Studio Electric m4


Anyone own this speaker?   I'm thinking of replacing the Omega S.A.M. in my second system with a conventional speaker.  I really like the Omega but miss the sparkle and air a tweeter brings...   They sound very good and are easy to listen to , no fatigue but at the expense of some top end.  




I agree with your thinking of trying something else.  I had 3 different Omega models in use at different times over a 20 year period and it was the CAMs that I was the least satisfied with.  Good with acoustic music, but just meh to these ears with anything else.

Unfortunately, I don't know from the Studio Electrics, so I can't help you there.  

In the same price range, I might look at the PSA monitors or the Legacy Studios.  Good stuff out there about these from Chesky Audio.



Why not just set a pair of Fostex super tweeter on top of your SAMs? Madisound has them pretty cheap.

I ended up buying the M4.   Should have them in a week or so.   Could not find one negative word about them.   Dan Wright personally owns a pair and often demos his gear at shows with Studio Electric.  

The M4 are really special.    I fell in love with them after just a few hours of listening.    Exactly what I was looking for in a compact speaker.   

Build quality is excellent.  Amazing quality and quantity of bass.   Extremely well balanced.  Sound big and scale well for a tiny speaker.   Just a great speaker.  

Thanks.   I can't believe how good they are.    This is THE speaker I've been looking for.   

@oddiofyl Very nice. I still regret not buying the last set of Benchmark SMS1 monitors that I saw posted here not long ago. Those were made by Studio Electric and seem very similar to the M4 if not identical, with low prices because they never really got popular for whatever reason. 

I do wish Studio Electric still used the old wood accents on their version, but it's probably expensive. 

Thanks V-fi. They are such a great speaker. I’m glad I went with them.

A must visit booth if at Axpona this year. They have a good ear for how a speaker should sound.  

Ok I take it back, the new grill is actually very nice looking too. It looks much better in your real world pictures than the marketing shots on their website.

The old models had those wood side panels and a unique wood grill that probably didn't protect very well but had a sort of art deco look to it. Still love those looks but your set looks better than I thought it would. Never noticed the little accent stripes on top, those are a nice touch. Just enough to keep it interesting in a sea of generic speaker designs.