Suggestions...amp or preamp?

Hi all, I have been debating whether to upgrade my amp or preamp. Right now I have a BK ST1400 amp and a Rotel RC-970BX with my DIY speakers. The speakers are comprised of Dayton audio drivers and are rated at 100w/ch at 8 ohms with efficiency of 88db.  My sound pretty good but I know I can improve in some aspects, more so in the bass department. I would like to stick with solid state but is not limited to. My budget is around $1200 for an amp and my be a preamp. What are your suggestions? I listen mostly rock and country. Thanks 
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Highend, in the case of having walked you through all the easy, cheap solutions, I love my Luxman, amazing extension at both ends of the spectrum with a sweet sweet midrange.
Thanks erik, what I mean more bass I was refering to quality sounding and control. Not just just a bloat out bass or more bass. I like bass to sound natural with articulate, define bass. 
I do have a sub in my system and yes it can be hard to optimize it properly but right it can achieve great results. Yes room treatment is one of the most important tweak in a room which I am trying. 

Oz, thanks for your suggestion. I never try tubes in my system. I will think about it.
Tough call, but since B&K amps are decent, I would recommend a nice modern tube preamp to pair with your ST-1400 to start. With the thinking that down the road, it too should pass............


Since you mention you mostly want bass, here’s something I wrote on the subject:

However, since you are a DIY’er too, we should discuss changing your crossover as you can ttrade off efficiency for bass in there. Look carefully at your room acoustics first though, that’s in the blog post.