Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...


My suggestion would be to steer clear of the two clowns :-) 

is the aim of the game, off-topics comments and when all else fails, they stoop down to their usual condescending tone.
“This paper approaches auditory analysis from the standpoint of sound production. It argues that although air vibration produces sound, sound is not air vibration; and that exploitation of features of air vibration can hardly (if ever) lead to accurate understanding of the principle of the auditory mechanism in speech or music perception.”

phrasemonger, thank you for the information!Here is a direct link to the article -

So scientists don't understand what sound is, just as they don't understand what electricity is. This obviously follows from this article. Those who are sure that everything can be measured, and everything immeasurable is just snake oil should read the article carefully.
Well, suggesting they are clowns, is giving them too much credit as that would require they be creative and have imagination - something that is clearly lacking.


”I know you are, but what am I...” - classic childish response.


Comparing swapping a cable and listening for the difference is nothing like homeopathy or astrology. The result is tangible, and immediate. A singular variable.
Problem is, when you are incapable of deciding for yourself if it makes a difference, be that for the better or worse, that shows a complete lack of confidence in your own judgement. It speaks to a insecurity of your own abilities.

If you were to arrive in someone’s listening room, and be blown away by the sound quality of the system, would you ask for specs and measurements in order toco firm what you are hearing?

imaginewhat innovations would exist in the world if people all thought as you. There would be very few. Sorry, I forgot, imagination is something you have been deprived of.
This refusal to be open minded about possibilities beyond your own myopic outlook on the world is the kind of closed minded, fearful thinking that had women burned at the stake for being “witches”
How many of the technological advancements that we take for granted now would’ve viewed as magic a few centuries ago?
I’m a pragmatist at heart. Science and math were at the core of my education. I however dropped out of pre med to pursue a career in the creative world. Left and right sides of my brain are in balance. My first child really suffered with teething. Loads of crying and fevers. When the second arrived, someone suggested them wear an amber necklace to help alleviate the pain. So, bought the $20 necklace and had them wear it. No teething issues. Perhaps he would have been spared the pain just because of his make up. Perhaps the necklace helped. Either way, I don’t care. He was spared the pain for whatever reason. When someone has a child who is starting teething, I share my story with the caveat I have no idea if it works or not, but it’s harmless and is $20. Not one child that tried the necklace suffered from the teething. Again, who knows what the cause was, could all be a fluke.
I suppose you have zero faith in Shiatsu, Acupuncture, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Biodynamic Farming either?  

Again, I have yet to see a single post where someone who bought SR’s product were slamming it and claiming they were ripped off.