Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
I know your Krells require multiple fuses and cost can add up rapidly. Do you have a component that may require only 1 or 2 fuses? If so this would offer the opportunity to directly compare the SR Black and Beeswax fuses. Otherwise relying on others opinions can be tricky and with obvious limits. What's better in one component or to a different set of ears may not match your needs.
Here’s the AH site:

I recently purchased the AH Platinum Ref fuse for my AR Ref 3 preamp.

I do agree the preamp sounds superb with this fuse!

But... it also sounds superb with the fuse that came in it - which may not be the stock fuse - it doesn’t look like a standard fuse with just a wire, but has a more complex element in it (it is glass, so I can see the element).

And... I must say I’m at a bit of a loss to report the AH fuse is "much better" in any respect.

I’m a bit inclined to think that many with such investments in their fuses "want to hear" significant improvements over their stock fuses - and that there is significant "placebo" effect with fuses as with cables.

But... hey... "to each his own."
I can only speak for myself in this regard. The "placebo effect" may be occurring in your particular case (who knows?). In my situation recently I have re-inserted both the stock fuses and the SR 20 fuses.    Easily the SR 20 is heard to be better than the stock fuse.  When I return to the SR Red and/or the Black fuses, the improvement is undeniable, they are just superior sounding (the Black being clearly superior).

Not every tweak I've tried in past experiences has been successful, regardless of what they may have cost or my  expectations.
In my case I can state without hesitation that the SR Black fuses are an excellent addition to my system.  I can also accept that in your case the outcome is different for whatever the reasons may be. If the costlier fuses were only marginally better or just different, that's what I would report. That isn't the result of my listening.
Hi Charles,  I agree with your post to me,  really,  all of the post here is a basis to get my interest,  everyone's equipment is different than mine here, I only have two component's in my current system until I assemble a second system within the next two years,  as I said,  my digital front end apparently does not have any glass fuses that I see, I  will up-grade my digital in the future,  however,  the Vincent cd-s7 is so good,  it's a keeper for atleast a second system,  this player was to my liking over a much costlier ayon cd2s player,  the Vincent was sensitive to power cord changes,  huge impact on the sound,  as if it's a totally different machine in a incredible way,  I have learned over the last couple of years,  it's not what something cost,  but rather what a component does for the listener's-owner satisfaction. 


To answer your soundstage question from above I would say the soundstage expanded only by the notable affect of the blackness so you could see into it much further with the Beeswax and the instruments and voices sounded off with naturalness and body. If I were in your shoes it might be tempting to try the AH and the Black with return policy if you had to have 4 fuses. Even then it would be tough because I believe it takes 150 minimum on any of these to settle so you need to find a component with one fuse to get a better handle. I will echo with Charles post above on all of this being tricky and it is no different than cable shopping but in the end many fewer choices. If you could find one component or had a friend with a one fuse component it would help as the decision is ultimately yours.

I would never load up my system with all one fuse just because I like the first one therefore I am trying the second one in my second component. In my case, I really have only have 4 fuses total to load into components so I have that in my favor. If the second Beeswax works the same then it will likely be game over but I just want to get it the way I like and be done so my experimenting will be a while. Unfortunately, this is a slow method taking patience but being picky has paid off for me. The Beeswax takes 3-4 weeks but rewarded me dearly.

In the end, to each his own, but please don't ever think that one fuse fits all because it simply is not true as in my case but I will agree for certain you need to fine tune with these after market fuses as they just allow a quieter flow of energy but each have their qualities which is for you to decide. The Beeswax should be on your list to try.

gwalt (Gary)
