System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live

My current stereo system consists of Oracle turntable with SME IV tonearm, Dynavector XV cartridge feeding Manley Steelhead and two Snappers monoblocks  running 15" Tannoy Super Gold Monitors. Half of vinyl records are 45 RMP and were purchased new from Blue Note, AP, MoFI, IMPEX and some others. While some records play better than others none of them make my system sound as good as a live band I happened to see yesterday right on a street. The musicians played at the front of outdoor restaurant. There was a bass guitar, a drummer, a keyboard and a singer. The electric bass guitar was connected to some portable floor speaker and drums were not amplified. The sound of this live music, the sharpness and punch of it, the sound of real drums, the cymbals, the deepness, thunder-like sound of bass guitar coming from probably $500 dollars speaker was simply mind blowing. There is a lot of audiophile gear out there. Some sound better than others. Have you ever listened to a stereo system that produced a sound that would make you believe it was a real live music or live band performance at front of you?



Sadly the MBL system mentioned  was well over $150 k 

their stand mount speakers the  126, and120   Use the Exact same Tweeter and midrange  units  that sit on top ,they have dual opposing wooferson the bottom  ,I am. Thinking about maybe the verygood model 126 , and just use my SVS 4000 SB powered subs then  you  have a full range speaker at a fraction of-the cost. 

On youtube you can find "Live in the Studio" recordings with really fine dynamics. Not damaged that much through the recording and mastering process. With a good system playing at real levels they can feel like you're there.

Try Cory Wong. Not least the videos with Sonny T and Michael Bland.

As an audiophile, I’m not sure we’re going for a system that sounds “live”. I think what we are trying to achieve is “sound stage” and “detail” for starters. There’s a lot more variables associated with the venue with a live sound and I’ve never heard proper “sound stage “ at a live event. To me, they’re two different worlds and two different types of sound. 

@atmasphere  - LOL


Since I play the guitar, no nothing can capture the live perfromance3 of my Les Paul into Marshall amplifiers.

We did punch out a Manley Steelhead with parts upgrades and that was a big improvement.  Stock form - no so much.


Happy Listening.


Some close-miked recordings can fool you into thinking there are musicians in the room.  Think Nils Lofgren's Acoustic Live.  Or others like that.