Not having listened to either & judging by specs alone, I would tend to lean more towards the Focal.
Technics SB-C700:
Frequency Range 40 Hz - 100 kHz (-16 dB), 45 Hz - 80 kHz (-10 dB) / Sound Pressure Level 85 dB / 2.83 V (m)
Focal Aria 906:
Frequency response (+/- 3dB) 55Hz - 28kHz / Low frequency point - 6 dB 47Hz / Sensitivity (2.83V / 1m) 89.5dB
Technics needs to publish specs
@ +/- 3dB for a fair comparison but since they don't then it is likely their +/- 3dB spec is much worse than the Focal.
They appear to be very different types of speakers too; one is point source w/ rear port, the other traditional 2 way with front port. One or the other may not be your 'cup of tea'
Of course the true test is listening for yourself & letting your ears be the judge.