Technics vs. Focal

I'm being offered Technics SB-C700 and Focal Aria 906 both at $850

One local home theater store loves the Technics while the other immediately dismissed them over the Focals.

I was wondering what this communities thoughts were on either brand?
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Those Technics really look like crap from a 1980's mini system.   Focal /JM has been building great speakers for decades.   Easy choice in my opinion
The Technics are rather remarkable little monitors, we heard a demo of them vs the Kef LS 50 when the LS 50 were $1,500.00 and we clearly prefered the Technics, which are new $1,700.00.

The What Hifi Review was an anomolly most reviewers who heard the Technics were wowed by them. 

You really need to bring both of these speakes home and give them a good demo.

The Technics being a dual concerntric images extremely well and is a fat and articulate little speaker. 

The Focals tend to be a bit hot at the top end. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ