Tekton Brisance

Hi audiogon,
The Tekton Brisance seems too good to be true coming with 18"woofer and two harmonic transducers with a DSP controlled 2500 watt included (probable class D) amp at $2,000. Any y'all hear this sub in person? I have a pair of Moabs on order and am thinking of getting a sub to fully flesh out abilities with electronica music. 

Probably awesome. Equally probably still be better with several rather than just one. Search DBA. 

My Moabs should be built next week. So very soon will know just how good they are, with and without my DBA. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367
20 hz to 350 hz. Has a pair of MB couplers? That is a lot of room to blend a bass bin.. Use to be hard to find one that would go that high.

Those numbers (20-350) were used to blend Soundlab or Quads.
speakers. Usually a 12", can go as high as 800 hz or so before they really start ringing. Looks like 6.5 or something? Probably go even higher.

Looks like it has separate tuning ports for them also... Sure a honker on top.. Facing forward, though, I don’t understand. Back, down, side or up, but not forward... I guess you could get it to work better, closer to a wall?


What is a DBA? Digital equalization? I do use the equalizer in iTunes with good results. I would not have a subwoofer without DSP now that I have gotten used to my Velodyne DD10 (now broken), it really evens out the bass in the room. I ran my main speakers through the 80hz filter and let the 10" servo controlled, acoustic suspension, 1250W handle the low frequencies. It seems as though going up to 350hz would allow localization of the sub, causing soundstage balance issues (unless I got two subs, but two 18" subs with 5,000W of power just seems out of bounds for an 11x16' room, lol. 
DBA is distributed bass array. Means four or more subs in essence. The idea is that four subs can perform better for a variety of reason than fewer can, and you don’t have to spend as much on higher end ones, can spend less on four than two, and achieve better results
speedbump6 is right. The "variety of reasons" is really one: bass modes. Because, physics, every sub in every room has areas where bass frequencies reinforce or cancel out. The old school approach was to move the sub around trying to find the smoothest response, then maybe try and EQ out the inevitable highs and lows. 

EQ never really works. The problem is that while EQ can get even response at one location, the resulting uneven signal is being put out by the sub all the time. So in all the regions being boosted too much bass is being put into the room. All the sonic energy that goes into the room from a speaker bounces around the room exciting everything in the room and causing it to reverberate and emit its own delayed sound right back into the room. By boosting the bass EQ actually makes this worse. The poor person using EQ then has to run out and spend even more money on tube traps trying to suck up all the extra bass he paid all that money to put into the room in the first place. So many audiophiles still think this is the way to go. Sigh.  
DBA takes advantage of room modes by putting several subs in different locations. All the different locations create bass modes in different areas. Because there are so many they add together so no single one has to be all that powerful. Because they are less powerful the lumps in their bass response is less as well. All together the result is much, much smoother bass. Without EQ. Without all the extra energy going into the room the bass is fast, taut, articulate. Like you never heard before. 

Its one thing to talk about. Its quite another to actually experience. Its not that the other ways of doing this don't work at all. They do. Just not anywhere near as good. 

Its hard to have too much bass. Four or five Brisance might just get you there. I would go with four of the 4-10's and one or two Dayton SA-1000 sub amps. Or if you already have some subs then whatever it takes to get you to four or five. Then you can either tweak what tiny amount of uneven response remains with your EQ, or ditch it altogether.

Is there any speaker company pumping out as many models as Tekton?
Dunno if that's a good or a bad sign.
@prof  Outrageous comment!  Years and years of R&D, multiple iterations of prototypes to test different drivers, crossover permutations and layouts, building materials, etc. etc. go into each and every new model before it's brought to production.

Sorry to have outraged you twoleftears ;-)

There are some companies who release new models very rarely, very carefully refining and refining, making sure they really made an advance, before releasing new models.  Which makes for a modest number of models they will sell.

Other companies pump out lots of different speakers, and *some* audiophiles worry somewhat about the spreading-oneself-too-thin factor, especially given the size of the typical audiophile speaker manufacturer.Tekton produces an enormous variety of speakers for such a small operation.  And we all know how many pixels have been spilled on Tekton issues in terms of quality control, customer satisfaction etc.

That's not to say the Tekton speakers aren't good.  I'd love to hear them.But it really stuck out the number of speaker designs being sold by Tekton and it seems like a new model comes out practically every few months

I just saw they have columns, 4-10. 45.5 inches tall. They will Stack And Test, SAT at 91 inches. Got me thinking... He'd probably cut just the baffle. The only cut, if you screw it up, you start over.
More holes, more sweating, more chance of a screw up, and a
Start over.. ;-) I'm getting old, no do overs...

 Who makes the drivers? Anybody know? No mention of driver manufacture?

The Brisance 18" is a PA driver. @ 100 db sensitivity, it looks like a 
PA driver..I've used LARGE PA in nearfield. HT.  A lot of bang for the buck. Problem back then was floor noise. Class d normally have ZERO, no noise.. We didn't have class ds, PAs could buzz a bit.. Me I don't watch TV or use HT, 1/2 hour news once a week, all I can take..

After doing more research, a distributed bass array seems like a much better idea than a single huge subwoofer. I’m surprised I have not seen anything about this before. The price of the audio kinesis swarm seems reasonable for four passive subwoofers and an amp. 
I’m with you prof! This looks like another unsolicited, gushing "seems too good to be true" announcement about a new speaker from Tekton. Add it to the growing list. This is not an "outrageous comment," just my opinion and I KNOW that I am entitled to it.
Post removed 
After doing more research, a distributed bass array seems like a much better idea than a single huge subwoofer. I’m surprised I have not seen anything about this before. The price of the audio kinesis swarm seems reasonable for four passive subwoofers and an amp.

Right. I had tried and looked into so many things for so long and had pretty much given up and decided really fine bass response is impossible given the realities of room modes. When I first heard of DBA almost 2 years ago it seemed like just another false hope until reading the research and theory it kept coming up more and more solid.

Finally early spring 2018 I built mine very similar to the Swarm- same Dayton amps, 10" Morel drivers, Parts Express cabinets. Two sealed, two ported. From the very beginning it was obvious all the glowing reviews are justified. Even without tweaking a thing it was easily the best bass I ever heard, anywhere, ever. A far cry from the incessant fussing and checking and then still never feeling its quite right that we all get with a sub, EQ, tube traps, etc.

I did do a lot of that same stuff, trying different locations, tweaking phase, trying different wiring configurations, all of that. In the end the DBA concept is so strong it turns out all you really need to do is plop them down somewhere near some walls, adjust the level, and enjoy.

As for the Swarm itself, at one point in the research I came across the account of an audiophile with a $30k subwoofer budget. Yeah he had $30k allocated just to subs. So of course he was auditioning and comparing everything up to $30k. He went with a Swarm. Now why he didn't go with four or five even better subs I don't know. Point is, he heard em and four beat one all the way to $30k.

I was surprised at not hearing of this sooner myself. The seminal research was done something like 30 years ago. That was doctoral research. But its been pretty well known in audiophile circles a good 20 years. Yet it still seems a well kept secret.

I chalk it up to the typical audiophile and his inability to understand anything, especially anything not being mindlessly repeated ad nauseum by other audiophiles. There really is almost no ability to think independently. Just look at this thread. You asked a reasonable question, which almost no one is interested in answering. Instead they go on and on about how many models Tekton has, how can anyone have so many models, oh look another Tekton fanboy, yada yada yada freaking yada.

So congrats on actually taking the time to do a search and figure something out - and then have the courage to post it.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled irrelevance.
Oh but first in case you haven't seen it here is my system. Note the comment from a recent visitor. Notice what he said about the bass.


"Is there any speaker company pumping out as many models as Tekton?
Dunno if that's a good or a bad sign."

I would say it is a marketing sign. Once the manufacturer finds a winning model with, like the Lore that has been around for awhile, then why change it, like Harley Davidson and their styling of the bikes.  However, to capture new market, produce new models.  Does not mean the older models are obsolete. Eric probably just waits until there is a build up of orders for a certain model then produces them all at once.  Economy of scale comes to mind. I have never heard a Tekton model, but anxiously await my charcoal grey Moabs! :) 

I chalk it up to the typical audiophile and his inability to understand anything, especially anything not being mindlessly repeated ad nauseum by other audiophiles.

Millercarbon, do you ever get tired of being "holier-than-thou"?

It must be quite a daily weight to bear,  being so much better than the "average audiophile" and still having to interact with them.

DBA has been around a LONG time. We just didn't have cool running high horsepower class d amps. I had 4 bass bins and two Horn bins in the early 70s, All the boxes were ran on 30-40 watts amps, Macs..
Used them at school dances from time to time..2 MC240 and a pair of 30
220-240 watts. The place was rockin... oh yea..

The last 10 years, BASS amps have really became reasonable, with ALL the DSP goodies. 

4 12K Behringers NEW, and a 2496, will do two square blocks of BOOB BOOB under 2500.00 that's a lot of watts, and a lot of control.

8 3000s,16 1500 watters, PA, or HiFi. !40-50 DB....
You could double it again 32, 15" 1000 watt drivers..

Lets talk low dollar low distortion, cool running.. BASS...
Gatling gun BASS... Yup that's what I call it...Old hat...Old news

BUT Columns.... that's something the Greek, and Roman could agree on.
I guess Irish too (ME)... I'm gonna contact the guy, on baffles and who make the darn drivers... I bet I won't be surprised. Good wire inside goes a long ways too...I wonder what is being used?


Yea prof,im with you..this tekton fanboy trys constantly to shove it down our throats...makes me wonder if he's a paid Tekton  employee which others have questioned 
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