The Audiophile Song - Who Can Relate?

Simple enough question. Maybe the questions should be: who can’t relate?

Have fun (some potty mouth in the vid)

Audiophile Forced To Sell His Entire System - High End Audio Is Over! (

(How do I get the video to show here? - I suppose I should know after all these years posting :)



Finally, a great song that'll stick in my head like a nagging conscience. 👍

As for how to post a YT video here, one used to just copy the link and paste it right here where you type but that feature went away a while ago. Now it's just a link. Maybe someone can give Tammy a heads up on that.

All the best,

God, that’s a funny video/song!  I did play it for my wife like a crazy fool thinking she’d get the joke since I’m not near as  bad as the poor junkie in the video, but her response was predictable: “I can relate”, she said. Really?  I mean, come on!  Gentlemen, as noted above, do not show this video to your wives. 

Thanks for this awesome video. Both music and lyrics are simply awesome. What a great song!