The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards

I did have some others before, but the first system that hooked me on this passion/hobby and would still be pretty good today was:

Stacked Large Walnut Advents, with the top ones upside down so the tweeters were close together,
Yamaha CA-1000 integrated (usually run in the class A mode)
Yamaha top end direct drive turntable (YP-800?) with ADC XLM II cartridge 
Yamaha CT-7000 tuner
Early Monster interconnects and speaker cables 
Advent cassette deck
Teac reel to reel with 10" reels (model ?)

The first thing(s) that were replaced was the Large Advents that gave way to a pair of 
Dahlquist DQ-10.

From that system I have gone on to several others that I have enjoyed, but I do remember that first one.

Denon DP790, Denon Arm, Audioquest AQ-404, Hegeman HAPI 2 preamp, Modified Hafler DH-100 i built myself with inputs from Sensible Sound ( remember that rag ? authors / tweaks… KEF kit 104 ab in massively braced cabinets my pattern maker Dad and i constructed ( cabinet within a cabinet ), Fulton speaker wire, with IC Sumiko used to backdoor to usa from Japan…

My system in 1982.
B&W 801 e series speakers
Janis W1 sub-woofers, pair
CJ PV5 preamp
Hafler 220 amps
B&O turntable, linear trackerMonster cables

@tomic601  No, I bought it from a dealer in Murphysboro, Illinois. Still own the Sonograph w/sumiko arm.  In storage,  not been in my current system. 
In 1973, I had stacked Advents driven by the original Phase Linear 700 (no jokes please, I was 18 years old), a Quintessence preamp (rare bird, though Bill Leebens wrote about it somewhat recently) and a Technics SP-10 with custom plinth, a couple of arms and cartridges.
By 1975, I had done a complete about face-- all ARC tube stuff (still have that first ARC amp, though many followed it, all in the same vein --ARC tube stuff in the 60-75 watt/channel range) and Quad ESLs. I still have the Quads too, and after being refurbished, use them in my vintage system. I have owned that pair of speakers since around 1973-4.
It’s been a long road, but as others say, it’s the journey, not the destination.