The problem with the music

There are lots of people who frequent this site that have spent significant amounts of money to buy the gear that they use to reproduce their music. I would never suggest that you should not have done that, but I wonder if the music industry is not working against you, or at least, not with you.

For the most part studios are using expensive gear to record with, but is it really all that good? Do the people doing the recording have good systems that can reproduce soundstage, detail and all the other things that audiophiles desire, or do they even care about playback?

I know there are labels that are sympathetic to our obsessions, but does Sony/Columbia, Mercury, or RCA etc. give a rats #$%&@ about what we want?

Recordings (digital) have gotten a lot better since the garbage released in the mid 80's. Some of them are even listenable! BUT lots of people are spending lots of money to get great music when the studios don't seem that interested in doing good recordings. Mike Large, director of operations for Real Worl Studios said "The aim of the music is to connect with you on an emotional level; and I'd be prepared to bet that the system you have at home does that better than any of the systems we make records on."

Do recording engineers even care about relating the emotion of the music, or are they just concerned about the mechanics?

What do you think, and can/ should anything be done about it?
There's no shortage of recordings that lost something (sometimes because of hacks and criminals) when they got made into mass produced lps or cds. Sometimes people can like the end result anyway, (i like the way some paintings look more in a book than i do when i'm in the gallery). Once in a while a lousy computer burn of a cd made from a cheap ass piece of vinyl can sound surprisingly good even in the sick mind of an audiophile. Have you been in a room that you thought would sound like crap and ended up being wrong about it? A musicians union hall i went to in the bay area nearly had the dimensions of a large hall way, (the acoustic bass, reeds, trumpet, marimba and drums sounded gorgeous). Sometimes it goes the other way. Recordings, venues and components that show alot of promise don't always trigger a pavlovian response. Assumptions about music, audio equipment and acoustics often have a way of biting you in the ass. It might not be as fun if everything was just the way you expected it to be.
As odd as this is going to sound there is some correlation between how good the recordings are and your system it is played on as well as the room it is in. As I am in the process of building a room for my system, the living room is the only place to put my current system. As an engineer, not an audio engineer, I like to know how things work and try various alternatives to see how things react. I currently have CDs that is very difficult to listen to due to instruments not sounding like the instruments that are playing and the harshness it creates. It is as non-emotional as it gets. So one day a friend came over and brought an active crossover with him. We played for several hours and the crossover eliminated the room problems and allowed us to alter the upper frequency issue I was having. It made ALL of the CDs I had sound more than listenable. There were things on the recording that would never have been heard otherwise. It was amazing. The Scheherazade SACD, that sounded all congested and not much life, had all of its instruments laid out there in a wide soundstage. It made the CDs that a friend of mine recorded in his basement and used software to eliminate the outside occasional noises sound more cohesive. It made the instruments sound like the instruments that we know should be playing. It was the most amazing altering of the preconceived notion I had about CDs and their recordings. All I am saying is that it is not entirely the recordings issue that is causing it to sound bad, as hard as it is to believe that. As with everything else in the audiophile world there are no absolutes.
Well Nrchy,

Real world studios uses ATC loudspeakers and the money they have spent on production facilities sounds like he was just shining you on a bit. No harm in that.

Look All I see is people backing away and softening their loud and clear statements about how pathetic recordings are. But maybe thats the most i'll get out of this thread is people backing off a little on the head end of this hobby.

So ok, I figure a clock radio is all you need to get emotional impact and a wisely chosen $800 system should be enough to appreciate bad to ok to mediocre to good to great recordings. As your system improves the more discerning one can be. But "Mediocre" should never turn bad with a better system.

I went out of my way to make clear I did not think you had bad equipment or a bad system but felt that there might be an oppurtunity to make more recordings a positive experience for you within what you were saying and the nature of your equipment as photographed.

The bad match was the Klyne to Krell to Kharma's a system which nolonger exists from what I understand now. But there is a problem with that setup which can make it jekyll and hyde. But that point is mute.

My main point was recordings on the whole sound very good on average versus 10 years ago and pro studios have excellent equipment, the best having better than the best audiophile speaker systems.
I did not see anybody making loud and clear statements about how pathetic recordings are. I do see statements that say that some recordings are pretty crappy, and i dont think anyone will disagree with that. Looks like you are somewhat confused.

and once again.... i repeat.....
What was being questioned was the level of desire of the production companys to create audiophile recordings....

But i do see you tootin yer own horn about how yer right and everyone is backing off, which i dont really see that either champ. To tell the truth, you went off the deep end here thinking that everyone is saying all recordings are crap, i cannot find a single instance where that happens. Your entire arguement is built up agianst something that you imagined. So, if you think yer winning, then go on with yer badass self and give yourself a big ol victory kiss! I'll sit back and smile just to know you made yourself so darn happy and feel good inside, and to know that in some wierd way i helped make your night and even threw on a couple timbers to your raging forest fire of an ego :)

And Since im wrong, and obviously backing off, why dont you go ahead and pull out some quotes off this thread from us shouting out all loud and clear that all recordings are pathetic, just one more little boot in our butts as we go scampering away from your brilliant logic and insight :)

Anyways folks, im outta here, got tomorrow off, getting my amp back and a new AV rack! TIME TO PLAY!!!!!!!!!