The Psychology Of Collecting



That behavior is absolutely baffling to me. If you run out of tp, there are several ways to clean yourself including stepping into the shower. People are getting less commonsensical by the year.

"I Buy Old Records"

One of my favorite Youtube characters doing the rounds.

Of course, most "collections" now reside on servers, pc hard drives, etc., so our heirs can, if they wish, grab our music collections off the servers if memberships are transferable or they have access to our home residence servers.

I have about 200 LP's from the 30's to the present that my daughter, who is a musician on the side, has called dibs on.

Both my parents were art dealers and collectors of many forms of art. When they both passed on within 2 years of each other myself and my siblings had a heck of a time parsing it all out.

My wife recently lectured me about the necessity of assigning monetary values to all the stuff I have amassed, so that my heirs can at least know how to value things they might want to garage sale.

Like most of us here probably there is a faint background anxiety concerning the disposition of our collections. It is somewhat comforting to know that many people are captive to the same "Squirrel's Dilemma."

Back in the day, before we had a surfeit of bright and shiny to hoard, people who collected were known as pack rats. My mom called my dad that. He didn't need anything (and was fond of saying everything we have, we own) but saw intrinsic value and needs in worthless things. 

My sister was another story, being a classic hoarder, who could bury a room, making it unrecognizable as a human habitat. For some reason, I and my two other sisters went in a saner direction. Some families have more than one black sheep. 

All the best,

My mother in law died recently and we have been cleaning the home out to get it on the market.  She wasn’t a hoarder, thankfully, but we have interviewed different Estate Sales vendors and some of the stories they tell about homes that they have been in are fascinating.

It is known, even though not entirely accurate as a historical fact, that when Thomas Crapper invented the Flush Toilet (incorrect) created a mass produced product to be used as a Flush Toilet (correct). Individuals were now more regularly passing motions in their unnatural posture.

The unnatural posture results in a partial excrement, leaving waste within the Bowel and hence increased needs to clean the Bowel with a wipe.

Wipes in the excess used today are pretty much a growing market for approx' 150 years in the western world. People in general are very concerned about the cleanliness of such a area on the body, it is not uncommon to domestic use packages of Wipes being sold as 36 x Rolls, not running out is a dominating  factor in the minds of the average individual. Suggest Supplies of Wipes are to be threatened and that is an equivalent to a unavoidable Armageddon.

 The difference between a Typical Hoarder and a Hoarder of Wipes used as a cleaning aid following a use of a Toilet. Is that the Typical Hoarder can't bear the thought of parting with their hoarded goods. Where as the Wipe Hoarder can't wait to diminish their Hoard and get out and replenish it to the quantities funds will allow for. 

Apparently COSCO have substantial sized Packages of Wipes immediately ready to be added to the trolley, as this settles the shopper, and makes them more at ease with the purse strings being opened as they are routed through the Store.
