What is said in this video is probably relatively true...It is a question of perspective...All is not black or white here...
But the audio system of Jay is at the other end of 99 % of all users here on the price scale ... For most of us ordinary mortal, like me, the most important factor is the room acoustic...Not an upgrade of my good low cost dac to a few thousand dollars new one which will be "trash" anyway compared to a 100,000 dollars one like in this video which only prove by the experience of this reviewer the impactful importance of a dac over costly speakers and very costly amplifiers in a minimally treated and non acoustically controlled room...I dont contest that...
But i would be curious to try this dac in a nude room or minimally treated one and compared it to his working in a completely controlled room... 😁😊
People forget ALWAYS the room impact, we listen the speakers/room quatitave relation AT THE END ...Even if the source is in some case the more important component...It is not true in ALL CASE at all...You cannot pair a 100,000 bucks dac with my very good speakers for sure but which are at another level of design than Jay 100,000 bucks speakers...
I am sure the difference will be staggering if we use this dac in an ordinary room and compare it to a controlled one......
Then i am not convinced by Jay about his claim that DAC is the most important factor, it is not generally true for all audio system, even if i dont doubt his complete honesty and the relative truth of what he say in the context of top high end product...
In the case of products generally sold for most audiophiles, on a way lower porice scale, the most important upgrade will not be a dac but a new room...
Acoustic never lie and cannot be bought...it only can be painfully installed...At no cost in my case, but with great time cost for the tuning...Most people feel that they not able or not in the situation to tune a room for sure...This fact dont change the truth of what i claim about acoustic...No more than my claim could destroy the personal experience of Jay in ultra high end costly design journey...
Watch this repeatedly until you’re convinced.