excerpt below from Stereophile review of your Joseph Audio Pulsars
"Joseph Audio doesn't specify its speakers' sensitivities, but I assume that, like many small, high-performance speakers, the Pulsar is relatively insensitive. If, as stated, its impedance doesn't drop below 6 ohms, it should present an easy load to drive. The 100Wpc Music Reference RM-200 Mk.II had no trouble whatsoever doing so; the combination produced among the most enjoyable, most musically involving listening experiences I've had in the dozen years I've been in this room. I could live happily ever after with the Joseph Audio Pulsars and the Music Reference RM-200 Mk.II—but that's not to say I couldn't live more happily ever after with the big stuff!"
I think you will be wasting your time unless you try 'big stuff', and I don't see any description or photos of your listening space, so I hope it is large enough for 3 or 4 way speakers.
Joseph Audio's success is related in part to the use of Richard Modafferi's Infinite Slope Crossover which he seems to have re-named.
Like a broken record, (if your space is large enough) I will again recommend the totally unique JSE Infinite Slope Model II's, you have never experienced 4 way speakers with such crossover precision and the 2nd patent, bass shift use of the 10" and 12" drivers.
My Yap about them here
good photos and info here (sold)