This obsession with MC has crossed over into Mania.
I think it's pretty sad so many people are in favor of shutting other people up. I think it's sad so many people get their feelsies hurt by reading something that they want to banish people. I didn't care for everything MC said and he could be obnoxious but I'm an adult and can get over it without wanting people disappeared. As I said in an earlier thread that was deleted, we used to be a people who would hear both sides of an issue and form our own opinion. That's becoming a lost art apparently. Too many people want only one message and group think.
Best posts of this thread. I'll just add this. If you look for the bad in someone, you will always find it. Likewise, if you look for the good in people, you will find it too.
I once had an Old Testament Prof who's theology I disagreed with. However his PhD was in OT, and he taught it from a historical POV. I soaked up what he taught, NOT because I agreed with his overall view but because he knew something that I didn't and I wanted to learn.
The sad thing is the hate that lives here on this BB. This "mania" is a product of hate. Its either hate or childishness. So are you a hater or a child? Or both?