Thoughts on Egglestonworks Andra II

Listened to a pair recently and was really impressed.
I just have never heard much about them. How do they compare to say the Wilson Watt pupps?
Puunda, there were just a 3 months stop in summer 1999, then the company restarted. At the end of 2001 the new Savoy, based on the top Ivy, was introduced and got great favour. In 2002 there was the introduction of new Andra II (with a fantastic review in the November issue of Stereophile: The Andra II's are still in "class A" of Stereophile. During 2003 a new version of the Fontaine was presented and so the new in wall speakers. For what I know, the company attended all the CES shows (and some HE shows) during these years and so will be with the January 2006 CES. I hope this clarification works for you.
Hi 1markr,teajay,luke72, jayctoy. I knw this thread was started a mth ago and i m behind time. However, recently I came across eggleston andra II and found it so beautiful. Heard it driven by passlab amplifiers. Found that the bass is so powerful that the midrange is totally overwhelm. Wonder what u guys think about what I heard. Need your advise. Is keen to buy for its look absolutely gorgeous. However I m not sure whether my unison research S8 SET with 24watts ( recommended wattage to drive andra is 30watt and above)can drive it. My system consist of transparent reference speaker cable, reference power cord, reference interconnect, BDR cone, transparent PIXL , exact powerconditioner and unison research tube Unico CD. Considering buying either VPI HRx or Kuzma reference turntable. Currently using a Gyrodec SE. System is in my apartment living room. To the right of the speaker is a sliding glass door with curtain, 2ft away. On the left is my living hall which is about 35ft long. Listening position is about 12 ft from the speaker. The speaker is place about 3.5 ft from the back wall. Thanks in advance. Happy listening

Hello Audioblazer---------I would recomend you call Jim Thompson @ Eggleston Works (Director of sales and marketing) as he has helped me with a couple of issues on my Andra 1's----great guy;however,keep this in mind,they like lot's of power,(I'm sure I heard tham say AND MAKE IT SOLID STATE POWER BOB)! to which i happily agreed to.To make a long story short,the speakers are not considered overly efficient (87db@8 Ohms nominal)also your 24 watt SET amp would have to contend with not only driving a total of 4 12 inch woofers but more importantly,CONTROLLING them (enter damping factor)This aside,I (we) could'nt be happier with our " EGGS",so much so that my better half has decided that we need to move up to the Savoy's!God love her:)BTW--the amp is ML.333.5 300/8 ohms 600/4 1200/2 hope this helps

I agree with Bob above. It takes a lot of power to drive the Andras happily, to their fullest capabilities. 24 watts may drive the tops if you bi-amp, but there's no way the SET amp will drive and control the bass drivers. BTW, the Andra IIs are a little more efficient than the orig., rated at 89db/SPL.

Positioned correctly, and driven by the right amp, you will find the Andra II wonderfully balanced and natural in its portrayal of music.

Let us know how it goes.
According to the Stereophile review of it, the speakers are a 6 ohm load speaker, which is "easy" to drive. They drop down to 3 ohms in the 50-100 hertz range. I, also, have been told that they need power. Audioblazer--I'm surprised that the bass was overwelming with Pass gear. I have a Pass Labs X 0.2 preamp and a Jeff Rowland 302 amp. My system is bass-shy! It could have something to do with the Nordost Valhalla/SPM speakercable that I'm running. I may go to Transparent or Siltech for speaker cable to beef up the bass. Also, my problem could be that the Nordost doesn't work well with the fast Rowland. The Nordost is a very fast speaker wire. Tough to tell what will work until you try different combinations. Overall, I'm very impressed with the Andra 2. Excluding some of the light bass in the music that I listen to, these speakers portray a phenominal live sound. Very life-like with a great soundstage! Stan