Time For a CD Player Upgrade

I've been using a Rega Saturn Mk 2.  I recently upgraded my turntable to the Mark Levinson 5105 w/ the Ortofon Quintet Black S.  In comparison my CD's are sounding overly bright.   Any thoughts on a comparable upgrade to my CD listening?  My budget is about $4000-5000, new or used.  The Hegel Viking looks interesting.  Any recommendation for an upgrade will be appreciated. 




Easy, as said multiple times, transport and dac. Lots of options for 5k. Google search is your friend.

Post removed 

An Esoteric dac is one of the best out there right now. So if you get on of the their cd players you will have one of the best cd and DACs.



my suggestion is to look at the teac CD transport, it uses the VRDS clamping system which is the best in the world It's about $3,000 US and then you could take a look at the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC it sells for $4,500 US and it's gone up against dacs 2 and 3 times the price and beaten them, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said that the 10th anniversary DAC was just as analog sounding, on that review I bought it and I totally agree one of the best DACS I've had in my system, and the other nice thing is that they give you a 30-day trial. if you don't like it you can send it back and get your money back, I didn't bother.