Time for new Categories-This is directed to you Audiogon

Digital- WTF does this not cover?




Now I am not going to do all the work for you folks.

Wake up and smell the coffee people!

Goners-Are you with me?

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I think the categories that Audiogon currently has seem just about right. Too few, and you end up skipping over too many threads you aren't interested in and missing ones you might have enjoyed reading or contributing to. Too many and you waste a lot of time going back to the top nav to click down into the sub-forums you want to read.

Of all the audio forums I frequently view, Audiogon's structure is my favorite. 
One added feature I would useful is who made the last post on a thread shown in the thread list near the time off the last post. 
I suppose the analog section could be expanded to lp, Reel to Reel, cassette, fm tuner…
I wouldn’t mind seeing Bluetooth getting its own section.  I know it technically a subset of Digital, but it really is a different type of animal, and I hate it when people complain about digital and it turns out that their only experience with it is bt.  It would be like judging analog by the quality of AM radio
While we're at it I have nearly 117 requests for a millercarbon section. Not that I'm counting or anything.
118 if he sticks to his own section…..many would pay extra for that feature…..
It would of course need to be divided into audio, geo-politics, money and finance, and philosphy. At a minimum. This would be a great help to those unable to keep up with the information flow.
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There are plenty of categories in the forum as is. Those who want more of a narrowed focus should go to Facebook, Instagram, etc.
BTW.....I smell the coffee before I wake up.

MC posted:

"While we're at it I have nearly 117 requests for a millercarbon section."


Please share your MC definition/version of "nearly".

Thank you in advance for your cooperation on this matter and as always govern yourself accordingly.

Id be more interested in making a user friendly attachment/picture loading system. This ones impossible for anybody but an IT technician. 
"While we're at it I have nearly 117 requests for a millercarbon section. Not that I'm counting or anything."

I thought all the forums were yours.
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And while we’re at it. How about Tables, Tone Arms, Carts, & Phone Preamps.  My life is too short and my focus is so keen.