'For more than 30 years I had only one turntable,one arm and one cartridge...' and than become member of this forum. I assume nobody would own more cars than just one if there were no neighbours with more than one. Besides there are many diseases which are contagious. In my case however I was straightaway infected with the tonearm sickness. I assume that I have some natural resistance against TT's disease which 'explains' the story above but with the added curious result that I owned 12 tonearms and still just one turntable. But on this one I installed two tonearms with, stupid me, fast headshells. Than with my participation in the MM thread I also learned to hunt for the 'carts of the month' on ebay such that in no time I become collector with more than 30 carts. Changing those in fast headshells + Basis Exclusive phono-pre which need to be opened for each sdjustment caused me at last to buy an second TT on which I installed my 'old love' the FR-64s. Actually it was Henry who 'caused' this change because he asked the question: ''why don't you use your FR-64?'' Henry obviously like to question many things but this thread of his has no sense whatever. We all know that there are no rational answers to those 'why' questions. So we are, so to speak, forced to invent whatever reasons to justify what we have done. How is one supposed to do that without tell tales? The rest of us than need to pretend not only to understand what other have done but also to feel sympathy and/or empathy for the guy in question and hope for some kindness in return. Considering 'some' anymosity between 'some' members I am very sceptical about this thread (grin). |
Dear Henry, First thing first. Seneca said that man is a rational animal. Since the Greek we use ,uh, 'metalic analogy' to describe 'man': iron strong, honest as gold,etc. So when John whom we described as 'honest as gold' robs a bank or seduces the wife of his best friend we feel ashamed for our judgment and state something like:'who would believe such a thing of John?' So either our analogy is wrong or we overlook the function of time. I, for example, was 'iron strong' but some time ago. At present I get serious problems with my back every time I need to adjust my tonearm/cart combo. So, I think, we need to correct Seneca slightly:' being rational is fine but not all the time.' How much time one wants to be, uh, 'not rational' will depend...similary to our system composition. Bulding blocks is a different philosophy than 'synergy'. Because of you I installed an second system in my bedroom with SP-10 + FR-64 + 12 headshells in order to be able to change and test carts in an easy way. The whole 'composition' is on my (former)writing desk but the importand thing is that there is also a chair in front.My intention was to select carts in my second system for my main system. But playing with carts and headshells become also a kind of sickness such that I spend day and night in my bedroom. I could rent my living room with my main system and earn some extra money for my hobby. So to speak , that is. In my main system I have Kuzma Stabi Reference with the Triplanar on its own (Kuzma 'base'=700 euro) and the Reed 2A , 12'' on its own arm pod. This arm pod btw was installed before the 'Copernican revolution' (sorry). I have no idea why the (MC) carts with low compliance are produced but for those I use my Reed 2a with 27 g eff. mass. 'All' other carts I use with the Triplanar. Now I would never state that I am as 'honest as gold' but to be honest I need to confess that the only carts which are 'promoted' from the bedroom to the living room are LOMC's. I hope you can forgive me such a kind of deviation ? Those are are at present: Miyabi Standard, Magic Diamond, Benz LP s(mr) and Kiseki Goldspot. Kiseki I use for the string instruments, Miyabi for the vocals, the LP s and Magic Diamond for the rest. My tastes (remember?)are classical- and folk music. |
Dear Henry, There are collectors and 'selectors' of carts. I belong to the last category. There is no way to know a priori how a cart we just bought will perform. The attractive aspect of the MM carts is their price which make it possible to inspect and test many of them. To do the same with the MC carts is probably only possible for the rich among us. You own 30 + carts and ditto headshells. This is confusing to me because I thought that you are 'selective' reg. carts of both kinds. This should imply a ranking by which the primary differentiation is between 'better'- and 'lesser' one. The case in my case is that I never listen to the 'lesser one' after I made my ranking. 'Why should I?' is my point. So my guess is that you become collector while starting as selector?
Dear Doug, Your conclusion ( ''I'm not a true audiophile'') does not follow from any of your statements. You are what I called 'selector'. The most of us have limited means and need to be very careful with our choices. So we select those components which we consider to be better and (re) sell those which are lesser. Reselling some of our gear in order to buy some other is the only way possible in such circumstances. But this is at the same time the only way to improve our system. That is how a true audiophile acts I would think. |
Dear Syntax, This is rather an very sceptical few. Besides I don't believe that we all mean the same with the general expression 'audiophile'. It may mean whatever one like. I am not sure if I am 'deep in (the) records' but well sure that my 'background knowledge' is not impressive. Should I then give up this hobby according to you? I see that you yourself also think not to satisfy those conditions which you mentioned so do you intend to give up this hobby as well? As far as I know it is only possible for one single Catholic to become the pope. So we know in advance that some of the others may become cardinals at best. But if there is no such thing as 'the best cart' or 'the best' whatever how should we know who is the 'best analogist'? I see you are (still) working on this ... We hope to hear from you when you think that you are 'there'. |
The purist: 'I own just one TT, one tonearm and one cart but those are the best there are'. We know the type from the high school. They were only interested in the most beautiful girl at school and nobody else. No wonder they had a miserable youth.
The (big) spender:' Why I own so many turntables, arms and carts? I would own even more if I could afford'.
The rest: 'All the excuses I mentioned I invented for my wife already.' |
Sonnyboy, I thought in the same way and wrote accordingly. So you either missed my post or you don't like my humor. I hope the first mentioned possibility was the case. However I also omitted the contributions from some Mexican. |
Wrm 57, We need clear answers not riddles. Say: the limits of my bank account for example. |
Dear Henry, Many of us were to slow to grasp what Herr Professor was talking about. But when we got this German 'Acha Erlebnis' many of us started with 'surgury' study. It is now called 'cutting' and 'screwing' depending on the stylus holder type. But putting ,say, the stylus from an AT 13 EA in the stylus holder of your beloved AT 155 CL give us some sardonic kind of pleasure. My advice when purchasing second hand carts: ask for the macro- scopic pictures of the stylus. |
Dear Lew, The right expression for the first part of your thesis is the somehow conservative looking: 'the proudness of ownership'. The justifying part is for the married omong us and probably for the Weber's protestants and Marx Marxist. |
Dear Manitunc, This may be the easy way to compare two carts but I have no problem at all to compare two carts after each other on the same tonearm. I have no idea how 'long' our musical memory is but 5 -6 minutes needed to change the carts will not 'disturbe' our memory. That is exactly what I deed today. Comparing Miyabi Standard with the Kiseki Goldspot in my FR-64s. I have a pritty good idea what the differences are. |
Manitunc& Halcro, The obvious and precarious question related to our 'sound memory' is : if one can't hear the difference after, say, one hour , why bother? Anyway one can reach huge savings if this argument is, uh, sound. |
Dear Manitunc, 'Hearing a difference is not the same as making qualitative observations'? What purpose than have the carts comparisons? I don't believe that there are quantitative comparisons of any kind involved. Except the price difference of course. My experience is that an exceptional cart is immediately perceived but because there are also other 'exceptional carts' we want to know which one is better. There is no other way to decide then to compare them. Well your method with two identical tonearms and other 'identical' conditions is of course the best thinkable. But others my prefer to own two different tonearms. I think that both choices are, uh, 'legitimate'. Besides there are no certainties in our hobby as there are none in science. |
My advice to comrade Don was/is based on my knowledge that Bill Thalman is/was involved by all Lew's TT's. But my interest in Lew's gear apply primary to those (huge) Beveridge speakers. If I would dare to ask I would but I am reluctant to do so. |
A 'wonderful 4 input switcher'? When I informed by Einstein about their balanced phono-stage I asked if they can put an extra input for my two tonearms the designer refused to do this with the argument that this will deteriorate the performance. So I bought my 3th Basis Exclusive. |
Dear Lew, The modesty may hinder Thuchan to answer your question. 'ToXion' is a product of collaboration between Dertonarm and Thuchan. Thuchan bought in Japan 6 beautiful wooden (arm) wands and needed a special tonearm to accomodate them. Dertonarm just finished his Axiom tonearm and was obviously willing to accomodate Thuchan. Those wooden wands are called 'Toho' so both names together make a toxic (?)combo. |
Dear Lew, to chose the name 'Einstein' for amps is typical German 'modesty'. But ,uh, the reviews were 'fantastic', while the producer is near the Dutch border. So I thought what a chance to see how those are made. But alas: just one connector for my 12 tonearms ??? (thanks Henry). Well while I am primary interested in your Beveridge I may be willing to part from my Kuzma Stabi Reference and, as you know, only your Kenwood will fulfil all my wishes. The poor thing can at last get the second tonearm on its back side in this 'futuristic scenario'. Not to mention your own dilemma regarding your sanity in connection with the number of the TT's you own. BTW If I counted them correctly you own 6 TT's, not 'only' 5. |
Dear Lew, 'Your' Douglas Hurlburt seems to agree with 'Einstein who is no Einstein' regarding the inputs. Each of his inputs has its own RIAA stage, gain, etc. My Basis Exclusive has two separate and independant from each other pres and both balanced and unbalanced inputs. |
Dear Lew, Some time ago I was shoping with my dad on those street markets in Serbia. My dad was always haggling. 'What do you ask for those tomadoes' he asked the farmer. The farmer: '50 cent per kilo sir'. My dad: 'you probably think that I am Rockefeller'. Have you any idea what only two of those Einstein 'cilinders' cost? You probably think that I am Rockefeller able to buy 4 of them. |
Dear Lew, It may help when we know what we are talking about. I have no pretention whatever to explain anything about 'input connections' of any kind. I was wondering about this 'wonderful 4 input switcher' because this was somehow contradictory to what 'Einstein who is not Einstein' told me when I asked for only one more on those 'cylinders', which btw cost about $10000 together. Your advice to buy two more and solve this way my problem caused my association with Rockefeller as well with my dad's peculiar way to haggle with farmers on the market. BTW those '50 cent per kilo' are not invented but the were the true price of tomadoes then. Why my dad thought tha for such a price one need to belong to the Rockefeller family is an anigma for me and probably for others. But, as Henry olready noticed, this Nandric like to tell stories. |
Dear Lew, It may help when we know what we are talking about. I have no pretention whatever to explain anything about 'input connections' of any kind. I was wondering about this 'wonderful 4 input switcher' because this was somehow contradictory to what 'Einstein who is not Einstein' told me when I asked for only one more on those 'cylinders', which btw cost about $10000 together. Your advice to buy two more and solve this way my problem caused my association with Rockefeller as well with my dad's peculiar way to haggle with farmers on the market. BTW those '50 cent per kilo' are not invented but were the true price of tomadoes then. Why my dad thought that for such a price one need to belong to the Rockefeller family is an anigma for me and probably for others. But, as Henry already noticed, this Nandric like to tell stories. |
Dear Henry, That is exactly what the 'Einstein who is not Einstein' suggested to me as 'solution' to my problem: plug in one cable in the (same)inpunt, then unplug this one and plug the other one instead. My idea was that an single switch for the other input would solve the problem. Not so according to the designer of the (balanced) Einstein phono stage. This switch will cause the worsening of the performance according to the designer. I have no idea about the truth in this situation but I solved my problem by purchasing the Basis Exclusive with two separate phono-pres and consequently two separate inputs for my two tonearms. |
Dear Henry, That is exactly what the 'Einstein who is not Einstein' suggested to me as 'solution' to my problem: plug in one cable in the (same)inpunt, then unplug this one and plug the other one instead. My idea was that an single switch for the other input would solve the problem. Not so according to the designer of the (balanced) Einstein phono stage. This switch will cause the worsening of the performance according to the designer. I have no idea about the truth in this situation but I solved my problem by purchasing the Basis Exclusive with two separate phono-pres and consequently two separate inputs for my two tonearms. |
Dear Lew, Thanks for your explantion . I at last understand what the problem with the 'simple switch' is. I thought that those 3-4 cm extra wire for a second input would cause no problem of any kind. But I am glad that I noticed this 'peculiarity' of the Einstein pre and asked about. An error of $10000 is different from one of, say, $1000. However I don't understand what you mean with 'A' student. Except of course if you mean the 'A' of A ndric. |
Dear Henry, the most important fact in our hobby is what one self believes. The other may believe, for example, that those thin gold platings on the connectors wear off even from looking at them. But the theory that they get better by each put in /put out exertion is remarcable. How often do you need to change all the connectors involved? |
Unoear, I made up the whole story about 'associtation' for you but you obviouly missed the clue. I associate the handkerchif with the womens behind because I always think about those. You obviously always think about Dertonarm. That is why you ovelooked the fact that I am the malicious leader of the German group with 3 bank accounts in Swizerland.Because of Onasis I never trusted the Greek... but I always loved those cuckoo clocks. |
Dear Lew, Toho, Toto and Beveridge are obviously all unique. So who would be not interested to hear more about them? But I am wondering when the Beveridge will move upstairs? To be honest I am skeptical about those woofers you made 40 years ago with Kef B 139. You can get them 'up and running' but I would prefer modern subs with fast (25cm) bass drivers and fast amps. It is not easy to keep up with those 'stats'. |
Dear Thuchan, I see the usual Arche headshell on your ToXiom ( why not ToHiom?) and assume consequently the so called SME standard headshell. But because of different wands weight as well the peculiar angle for the headshell(s)the lateral balance can be different for different wands. This is usual by the the 'J' shape tonearms. The 'magnet support' for the 'vertical balance' may mean the dynamic balance. As far as I know Dertonarm was always supporter of the dynamic balanced tonearms.
Dear Henry, I am still suspect and threated as such by the moderators. No idea why but I am original from the Eastern bloc and begin to recognize some precarious development in the West but, alas , it is to late to emigrate back. I already posted my contribution about the SUT's yesterday but my post was obviously suspect ... So in short. I am scared by the complexity of SUT-carts matching and also own 'some' (8)LOMC's which make possible so many combinations that I prefer not to mess with them. For some unknown reasons Herr Scheafer (ASR owner) has not much with MM carts. My previous Basis (2009) had to my big surprise no MM input at all so i was forced to buy the new 'Golden one' from 2010 which is provided with the MM input but no adjustment possibility of any kind. So my Basis is better suited for the MC carts while I myself still prefer those above any MM cart that I own (about 25,sic!) The 'sic!' means that I am crazy and this means that there is no sense in asking me why I own so many MM carts. |
Dear Lew, While you was studying 'vintage phono stages' I bought an, uh, modern Chinese Jasmine LP 2 phono-pre for $500. I even upgraded the (MKP) caps with Jantzen Z caps. There is alas no basement in my apartment so I installed my second system in my bedroom. There I test all my carts with the comfort of an chair in front of my SP10 and FR-64S. Well this testing become an addiction such that I spend day and night in my bedroom. I could, by way of speaking, rent my living room together with my main system and earn some extra money for some extra carts and tonearms. If I remember well the original idea was to select the carts in the second system for the main system which is alas not very 'friendly' reg. changing carts. Two tonearms with fast headshells + this damn Basis Exclusive which need to be pulled out of the rack and opened for any cart change. At my age and my sensitive back ( the chair!) not a very attractive proposition. Besides I nearly forget how this system works...Your philosopher D. Davidson wrote about intentions in generaland even about 'intending' in particular but this was not of much help. I ever emigrated from my beloved Serbia with the intention to become rich in the West... So much about intentions. Still my newest one is to sell all those damn MM carts , move to my living room and start again to listen to the music before I become an second Mexican. |
Dear Lew, There is a thread about Jasmine LP 2 with many reports reg. individual impressions. There is even the consensus about the performance- price relation. But my upgrade with those Jantzen Z caps 'moved' the pre in a different league. Not in the league of the Basis Exclusive but the price diference is shameless huge in my opinion. I of course know that Raul owns much more carts than I do but we both have the same 24 hours a day to our disposal. So I certainly don't envy the Mexican considering my own confusion with all those that I own. I am sure that you will recognize this time problem because you probably own even less than I but because of your lack of time you was not even able to test those that you own. However I do envy you with those Beveridges. Glad to hear btw that you are satisfy with your 'youth work' with those Kef bass drivers. |