To those with multiple tables/arms/cartridges

How do you 'play' your system?
For 30 years I had only one turntable, one arm and one cartridge......and it never entered my mind that there was an alternative?
After upgrading my turntable nearly 5 years ago to a Raven AC-3 which allowed easy mounting of up to four tonearms......I decided to add two arms.
A few years later I became interested in Direct Drive turntables and purchased a vintage 30 year old Victor/JVC TT-81 followed shortly after by the top-of-the-line TT-101 and I designed and had cast 3 solid bronze armpods which I had lacquered in gloss black.
By this time I had over 30 cartridges (both LOMCs and MMs) all mounted in their own headshells for easy interchange.

Every day I listen to vinyl for 3-4 hours and might play with one cartridge on one arm on one table for this whole day or even two or three days.
I then might decide to change to a different arm and cartridge on a the same table or perhaps the other.....and listen to the last side I had just heard on the previous play.
I am invariably thrilled and excited by the small differences in presentation I am able to hear....and I perhaps listen to this combination for the next few days before again lusting after a particular arm or cartridge change?

Is this the way most of you with multiple cartridges/arms listen?......or are there other intentions involved?
I only have one, a Grotrian.
I had the legendary Grotrian Model 120 in matt black.
A fine choice of piano Suteetat.....if you are 'limited' to one? :-)
If I were limited to only one arm.....I too would choose the FR-66s.
A better arm for low-compliance LOMC cartridges I have never heard.
And it is also nearly as good with high-compliance MM/MI cartridges.
However...the Continuum Copperhead is slightly better with MMs whilst the SAEC WE-8000/ST can also be amazing with some MMs.

Having read your passionate descriptions of the Lyras (particularly the Titan i and Olympos)...and also seeing your collection of FR-7 must forgive me for being sceptical about your intent to "start some ads"?

Can you post some more shots of the Apolyt turntable Syntax?
This one looks very impressive?
The purist: 'I own just one TT, one tonearm and one cart but those are the best there are'. We know the type from the high school. They were only interested in the most beautiful girl at school and nobody else. No wonder they had a miserable youth.

The (big) spender:' Why I own so many turntables, arms and carts? I would own even more if I could afford'.

The rest: 'All the excuses I mentioned I invented for my wife already.'
Halcro, I see, so we both have TW, FR66s in common and now Grotrian as well! I have a Grotrian 192 in standard gloss piano black. Grotrian make some of the best upright pianos that I have ever tried and when I came across an excellent offer for 192, I just could not pass it up.