Transport for Redbook CD only. Currently using an Oppo 103, but that will be leaving soon. Curious if this is a DAC that would benefit from re-clocker...Thanks
There is a Simaudio 260D for sale here on Audiogon right now. Very nice transports. I have one that compares favorably to a Levinson 31 in my system for alot less money.
I really like the look of the Woo Audio WTP1 and it's priced very well. Top-loading beats the sliding tray any day. If you're interested, you should look for the user reviews. It looks like some thought went into controlling vibration. Maybe you can find out how well it controls jitter.
Agreed that Woo Audio is badass looking and well built. Agreed with @lowrider57 top-loaders are less prone to problems than sliding drawers. Just don't lose the stabilizing puck!
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