Triangle Comete EX, Comete 30th Anniv, or Trio?

So these speakers are starting to get my interest. I can get Trios for $1700, the 30th anniversary Comete for $1500 or the Comete EX for $1100, which ones are best?

It seems like the Trio's were a higher line speaker, originally priced at around $2700 but the speaker I am hearing about is the Comete.

I'm looking for good imaging and detail but a speaker without alot of bass so that I don't bother the neighbors. Thanks for the input!
I only heard their statement model....I personally feel that any speaker would have been better than what I heard
Good question.

I have considered all three as an upgrade for my 15 year old Triangle Titus XS speakers someday.

Triangle sound I have heard is pretty distinctive. Very fast, transparent and neutral, similar to planars. High end can tend towards being a tad hot compared to many so you need to take that into consideration when feeding them. They also are fairly efficient and easy to drive with most any amp. They tend to have simple crossover design and good coherency top to bottom.

Have not heard Ref3a but I tend to see their design versus small Triangles as having a lot of similarities.
So these speakers are starting to get my interest. I can get Trios for $1700, the 30th anniversary Comete for $1500 or the Comete EX for $1100, which ones are best?

LOL!! That's like asking what's the best flavor of ice cream, or what's the best beer. It's all subjective, no one can tell you which is the best. They may tell you what flavor they like best, but that may or may not be the flavor you like best.

Look for a good deal on a used pair of bookshelves, buy 'em and try 'em. If you like 'em, keep 'em, if you don't, sell 'em and try again.
Grinnell's right - find or hold out for a pair of used de Capo i's (don't waste your time with the BE model). However, having said that, as a long-time Triangle owner and enthusiast myself, I would also go for the Comete - truly fantastic, fast and not overly-bright speakers. Just a warm and powerful monitor.
Look for a good deal on a used pair of bookshelves, buy 'em and try 'em. If you like 'em, keep 'em, if you don't, sell 'em and try again.

The best advice so far. I've done this so many times it's ridiculous. I'm not a detail freak but the best monitor I've owned that does it all is the Revel M20. A truly wonderful speaker that I regret selling.