Tried CD player Cary 300/300 and LOVED it, now what?

I want to move up the chain. 
Hi all, I’ve this Cary CD 300/300 for 3 years now and love it to death. I enjoy its warmness, smoothness, airy and nice touch of detail. It plays nicely with almost any power cords and ICs I throw at it. 
 Please suggest which other Cary CD players or other brands would consider as better? Ayre cx7e been on my list for years...
i listen to instrumental classical jazz vocals strings and a bit of percussion
thank you all and happy listening
Why buy another complete player?  Keep the Cary, purchase a digital cable, and there’s a boat load of separates dacs to chose from.  Then whatever you choose you can compare directly against the Cary with its internal dac.
@rhljazz thank you but I already have tried and still at my possession diff digital cables and diff DACs and I have enough fun with it, now thinking of stepping up. 
Hmmm, Audio Research Cd3 is looking good....

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