Tried CD player Cary 300/300 and LOVED it, now what?

I want to move up the chain. 
Hi all, I’ve this Cary CD 300/300 for 3 years now and love it to death. I enjoy its warmness, smoothness, airy and nice touch of detail. It plays nicely with almost any power cords and ICs I throw at it. 
 Please suggest which other Cary CD players or other brands would consider as better? Ayre cx7e been on my list for years...
i listen to instrumental classical jazz vocals strings and a bit of percussion
thank you all and happy listening
Why buy another complete player?  Keep the Cary, purchase a digital cable, and there’s a boat load of separates dacs to chose from.  Then whatever you choose you can compare directly against the Cary with its internal dac.
@rhljazz thank you but I already have tried and still at my possession diff digital cables and diff DACs and I have enough fun with it, now thinking of stepping up. 
Hmmm, Audio Research Cd3 is looking good....

"....Where once I wondered whether the Rega pieces could keep up with established, pedigreed leaders in their class, I now find myself asking whether competitors can in fact keep up with the Isis and Osiris. They really are that good...."

Buy CD transport without inner DAC one of CEC or Simaudio models and connect it to a DAC ,The improvement will be much much better ,Don’t use the stock cables good coax and power cords are a must .
Ok let’s establish a budget.  Then how about a list of the dacs that you’ve tried with the Cary as a transport.  Did you like any of them in specific areas vs the Cary?  So, it sounds like nothing you’ve tried so far has wowed you enough to abandon the Cary.  Am I correct?

How about listing your system and listening space so others have a sense of a candidate to match your system?

If you can swing 1200.00 dollars and want to push the envelope into something that is musically satisfying and will broaden your horizons, then I highly recommend the Bluesound Vault 2.  Copy all your cds to the internal hard drive.  No more fetching and loading discs. Now you have access to internet radio like my favorite Radio Paradise.  A subscription to Tidal is less than the price of one cd per month and you have access to music you never dreamed of.  Think about that.  Does that sound enticing?