Tube preamp recommendations for Pass X260.8 monos

Hi all, I just got a new-to-me pair of Pass Labs X260.8 monoblocks. I’m interested in shopping around for a tube preamp to pair with them, and am curious of your general thoughts. I’m not sure of a budget just yet, but I know I’ll want something commensurate in build quality, performance, and yes… beauty. I’m pretty sure I can guess a few of your responses, but I’d love to see if something I haven’t considered shows up. Thanks in advance!


Atma-Sphere MP-3 or MP-1 if you can swing it. Get either one with Vcaps and Caddocks upgrades. Well worth it. 

I must second ditusa's recommendation of the Atma-sphere MP-3.  I have a MP-3.2 and using it strictly as a line stage.  It is dead quiet, dynamic and resolving.  It is also a fully balanced design.  The one PITA is the volume control, purist design, fully stepped resistor design.  While tracking is not an issue, convenience may be for some.  I've since gotten over it having had an ARC SP-11 MKII which did not have a remote.  Get some nice NOS 6SN7 tubes in there and you will be very satisfied.

If you want transparency and neutrality, nothing that I’m aware of would beat an Ypsilon PST 100 Mk2, run in passive mode.  


If you are shopping in the price range of the ARC REF 6SE and Nagra, I would at least look at/consider the Thomas Mayer 10Y line stage. Two versions, copper and silver. These are bespoke ultra-quality German made components that are said to sound superb. Admittedly different from what is usually mentioned on this site.




If the new cost of a REF6SE puts you off think about a used REF5SE… or even 5. You will get most of the sound, for much less money. I am sure the average life of an ARC preamp is over thirty years.

I upgraded from an REF5SE to a Ref6se… but mostly because I upgraded all my other components to contemporary REF. Yes, the 6SE is better than the 5SE.. but better the 5SE than something else… my belief. I had a 5SE for nearly ten years. It was never the component getting in the way of better sound.

i don’t mind a little bit of tube warmth, but I’d rather it lean more toward neutral than overdone.

If I were you and you’re running a truly fully-balanced system I’d go with ether ARC or Atmasphere, or VAC if you don’t mind a touch of warmth.  Best of luck. 

Even though they are both at the upper end of my uncomfortable price range, I’m really curious if anyone has a sense of the difference in sound character between the Audio Research Reference 6se and the Nagra Classic Preamp. To my understanding they both lean towards the more articulate, non tube-like, dare I say clinical side of tubed preamps, but as it’s not practical for me to do a side by side, I’d love to hear input on the differences between them, or even Audio Research vs NAGRA sound signatures generally.

This one is being compared to Preamps 3-4 times it's price.....One reviewer said it "was the best pre he's ever heard...period ".  AUDIO gd Vacuum HE-1 XLR Fully balanced .with 10 Russian military grade tubes. It's made in China and it's a sweetheart...$ to Wally @ Underwood.

@soix i don’t mind a little bit of tube warmth, but I’d rather it lean more toward neutral than overdone. 

Are you looking for a more neutral-sounding preamp or one that provides a bit of warmth, bloom, tube magic, etc.?

I was almost certain Audio Research was going to be the first, and most frequently mentioned preamp; it’s almost impossible to not love that gear. I’m guessing that Nagra, Conrad Johnson, Luxman, Cary, Musical Fidelity, and Rogue will all have their proponents. Both the Audio Research Reference 6SE, and the Nagra Classic seem an attractive pairing, but my goodness that’s a lot of dough for a pre.



I have owned Pass amps for nearly 40 years. By far the best preamp matches have been Audio Research… preferably Reference level. I also always paired with a Audio Research phono stage (and now DAC as well). I owned Pass preamps for part of the time… much preferring ARC. Just as detailed, only more musical and with better fleshed out midrange and upper bass. 

Other options: Conrad Johnson and VAC. But obviously voting with my money has been for ARC. You can see my systems under my ID.