Tube sound is not about warmth. It's about correct presentation.

Agreed ? Disagreed ? Both ?




Showing 9 responses by mahgister

In this hobby anything opposing tubes in general and S.S. or digital and analog or turntables to dac, or music lovers versus audiophiles , is almost more annoying than informative ...😁

The reason is simple: the quality is more in the implemented design than in the parts choices and too many factors differentiate each customers journey, and needs , and ears, system coupling , room acoustic, psycho-acoustic biases , fetischism, and knowledge etc then imposing a choice once for all for all situation is preposterous ...😁

Psycho-acoustics and acoustics rule over gear, when synergy is reached ...And rightfull mechanical and electrical embeddings controls exceed many upgrades half of the time if not more in acoustic impact ...

These rules apply for most people with limited budget not for people with no limit for audio budget ... Then my rules apply for most people who must make CHOICES and who cannot afford 500,000 bucks system and acoustically professionnally designed room ...

For example the fact that on a very costly system a costly turntable can beat AT THE END a costly dac had no useful information for most of us and our more mundane low cost choices ... It is better to have a top dac in an optimized room than a top turntable in a living room ...Too much factors are at play , it is useless to claim anything superior once for all and for all needs ...


You accuse me of what you did FIRST after my post to you which was acknowledging your post... "Nitpicking" my post with the word "bickering" ...😁

Discussing politely without using words as bickering or nitpicking in my first post answering someone is what i do ... Can you say the same ?

My best to you....

I will stop here with you ...

@mahgister Yes, I get all that. You seem to rather enjoy nitpicking, isn’t that what you’re doing?

My remark acknowledging your rightful claim in your post is not "bickering"...

But your answer accusing me of "bickering" dont please me...

I already answered above about tube versus S.S. and correct presentation ...

And i can resume in a sentence my point : Acoustic matter more than the gear choices, if the chosen designs are relatively good to begin with , being tube or S. S. because the choice of gear is between design that can be good in the two case and at the end synergy matter more for acoustic experience than tubes or S.S. choices ...Nowadays it is already proven fact that some S.S. design are good others bad and the same is true for tubes... Audio is about trade-off all along the chain component from recording to room /ears acoustics...

And saying that is not "bickering"...



@mahgister Whatever. Not interested in bickering.

How about the subject at hand?


DSP room correction is very useful indeed...

It does not replace room acoustic no more than room acoustic can replace dsp tool...

@mahgister When you take into account that literally straight out of the box their Room Perfect software, which is easy peasy use and took me every bit of :20 to execute, completely tamed my difficult room situation.

I think that my posts are clear...

I will not change my word...

It is ok to have a specific preference for a specific tubes design or a specific S.S. design in specific coupling component  but generalizing to ALL tubes design over ALL S.S. design or the reverse is pure prejudice... Not informed knowledge about specific implementation ...See my video above by Bob Carver who know better than you or me ...

Synergy rule over design not design over synergy ...

i dont put any tube design or S.S. design over all others possible choices as some do A PRIORI  ; i know that each case of design and synergy is unique , the preference for one does not entail meaningless general claim as : tubes is better than S.S. in ALL CASE ...  This is a prejudice the OP title indicated speaking about a better presentation ...

Some are , in some coupling ; some other are not.... be it tubes or S.S.

That’s pushing it! I think you meant to say preferences.

Prejudices are not knowledge...

Synergy matter more than prejudices...

I used a good S.S. amplifier so long i forgot my two unsuccessful adventures in tube amplifiers...

Synergy matter more than prejudices...


Now Bob Carver is a legendary audio component designer...

Dont trust my words listen to him at 16 minutes in this video talking about S.S. done right and tubes amplification...

By the way Sansui made the same thing emulating perfectly their best tubes amplifier in a S.S. design and they did it EXACTLY as a public test behind veil ... I own one of their best S.S. design in the alpha series ... it sound so good i returned my last upgrade after one hour and it was one of the best tube design in the world...

Synergy matter more than tubes versus S.S. a no more meaningful debate for decades now...

The implementatrion of a design matter more than the material components ...

Next thread!

There is timbre presentation, there is all spatial aspects of the presentation , there is the general immersiveness impression ...

Today  nothing of that is reserved to tube amplification or to S.S. amplification...

Each tubes amplifier and each S.S. amplifier is a specific case... Now add to that class D ... And any other variation ...Between integrated or amp and pre-amp...

As larsman just said :

What does 'correct presentation' mean? 

Prejudices are not knowledge...