Tube sound is not about warmth. It's about correct presentation.

Agreed ? Disagreed ? Both ?




DSP room correction is very useful indeed...

It does not replace room acoustic no more than room acoustic can replace dsp tool...

@mahgister When you take into account that literally straight out of the box their Room Perfect software, which is easy peasy use and took me every bit of :20 to execute, completely tamed my difficult room situation.

My remark acknowledging your rightful claim in your post is not "bickering"...

But your answer accusing me of "bickering" dont please me...

I already answered above about tube versus S.S. and correct presentation ...

And i can resume in a sentence my point : Acoustic matter more than the gear choices, if the chosen designs are relatively good to begin with , being tube or S. S. because the choice of gear is between design that can be good in the two case and at the end synergy matter more for acoustic experience than tubes or S.S. choices ...Nowadays it is already proven fact that some S.S. design are good others bad and the same is true for tubes... Audio is about trade-off all along the chain component from recording to room /ears acoustics...

And saying that is not "bickering"...



@mahgister Whatever. Not interested in bickering.

How about the subject at hand?


@mahgister Yes, I get all that. You seem to rather enjoy nitpicking, isn’t that what you’re doing?