I assume you’re referring to "Why do Covid-19 mass vaccination campaigns promote dominance of selective immune escape variants?"?
This is a *theory* propounded by some, rejected by most IME. He proposes a mechanism for selective pressure, without evidence of such adaptation taking place an a human population. This also presupposes that the "natural" immunological response would not be subject to the same selective pressures, which is unlikely to be true at all. His theory is an absolute fact when dealing with therapeutic agents (such as antibiotics, and we have all seen) but that model does not hold if the "natural" response functionally indistinguishable from the vaccine mediated response. In fact, one and postulate that drastically increase number of passages of the virus itself, through and infected patient, and the amount of time that person is infective, would place greater selective pressures in that more of the viral types resistant to the immune response would be generated and released. Thus the assumed amplification may work the opposite of his theory.
The eradication of polio and smallpox due to massive vaccination programs provide data directly controverting his restistance amplification theory. I choose to rely on the empirical data.
thanks for your answer...
your post reveal a good understanding in this matter and certainly better than mine...i am not a scientist..
BUT i can study and think,
and you forgot saying what you say,
that the evolutive pressure created by a rapidly mutating coronavirus is NOT the same as polio and NOT as smallpox , which are all slow mutating viruses which we can eradicate in one vaccination campaign WiTHOUT booster...There is no valid UNIVERSAL efficient vaccination for the flu nor for a coronavirus for this reason : mutation rates and high rate airborne contamination...
Then your objection to vanDen Bossche is void...
And remember that we have multidrug protocol cheap treatment that work at less risk than vaccinations for some designed group of the population..
After all, the basic fact of this virus and disease is the way it is focussed in targetting old and immunely compromise people..Not the young population at all...Save if we teach to the population of virus how to mutate to do so by an inappropriate vaccination on a the wrong group on a massive scale...
Then mass forced vaccination, without taking the difference between old and young people in consideration, in relation to other treatment more appropriate in some case, is probably the medical error of the century motivated by greed and ignorance....
If vanden Bossche was there ALONE, i will listen to your argument, but the problem is that he is not alone at all...Then i chose the position that seems rational to me and i am not alone...