Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Are you immune to naievete and gullability innately or by virtue of an elective political superior party ?

What right have you to put yourself above me on this matter and above all the others who dont speak the same "lingua franca" ?

i am naive and gullible for sure... Any open mind is at risk...And my mind is open...

But i dont need a watchword to be conscious of my own thinking consequences..

At least i restraint myself to call unknown people "nazi"...And i dont speak to people like if they were children ...

I know you are intelligent by the way and very conscious...

Then i apologize to you but sometimes we must speak our mind frankly...

nonoise: "If its BS you want then by all means go there". I go here for BS, your's. 😄

A  single-minded focus upon "alternative facts" and conspiracy theories may indicate the presence of a desperate psychogical need to believe that one alone is "right" and that everyone else is "wrong". 

In this scenario, the more outlandish the divergence from reality, the greater the psychological payoff. 

A psyche that requires such means of vindication is hardly "free" -- on the contrary, it is pinned beneath the metaphorical thumb of an overriding and unrelenting denial of reality. 



I totally concur with your post...

The sure sign that people are under a spell is their "watchword" communication and dividing propaganda in two opposite groups...

And living in "reality" anyway is a hard thing very few people want to...

When we encounter reality we lost our common place political stances, and filters... And it is hard to lost his certitudes....

Sometimes people make discoveries but it is always at the price of leaving the "common accepted reality"...

Sometimes the price paid is the suffering of watching others to make bad choice..

Anyway living in reality is not a free lunch at all....

What i just said appear untrue only to those who called reality the sleepwalk in the ball park they call their world and baptized "reality"...

"Reality" with a big "R" will be a common conquest by all humanity....For the moment we are all divided in virtual realities that appear real to us...And we accused others to be out of reality...left or right, Vaxx or not....


«Reality is not only the ground where we walk but the ceiling out of which we can fly»- Anonymus Smith

«What if we are flies stuck under a ceiling? »-Groucho Marx 🤓

Many minds are susceptible to naivete and gullibility at times which makes sites like Bitchute extremely dangerous.