Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Am I wrong but are a number of you advocating that capitalism and healthcare have a problem? That more government regulations are needed?

My word. Same arguments that sane people use against the gun industry. Not to mention those used against socialistic, communist Democrats.

Yes there's nothing more Communist than sensible gun safety regulations.

When do all of you ever have time to listen to music?

They dont. They are too busy fighting the Illuminati. 

Just a few observations.

I think Ron's video is a pretty strong argument for getting vaccinated, even though he does not explicitly state that. What I take from the video, what I think Ron is trying to communicate through personal experiences is that COVID is a serious disease. If you're not vaccinated, once one family member is infected, all the other family members are at risk. His experience illustrates that you can get very sick from COVID even if you are young, strong, and healthy. If you survive the disease, as most people do, and as Ron's wife thankfully did, you can still get sick enough to be hospitalized with a serious pneumonia, causing great distress to your loved ones. Kids generally don't get as sick as adults from COVID, but they can get really  too. 

None of us are perfect, and the science on COVID is not perfect, but we are learning more every day. Medicine is basically applied statistics, and vaccines are subject to risk/benefit analysis. Can you get sick and die from any of the COVID vaccines? Absolutely. A few people have died, and some people have had severe complications from the vaccine. But the benefit of getting the vaccine is statistically overwhelming. You are far more likely to get sick or to die if you don't get the vaccine, compared to getting the vaccine and subjecting yourself to the risk. Right now the hospitals are still filled with COVID patients, and 90% of them are unvaccinated.  

If you dispute the science behind COVID, I'm not sure we can have a productive conversation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but they're not entitled to their own facts.

Ron, thank you for sharing your story. I hope you and your family recover fully from COVID soon.


@jcoehler thanks for pointing that out. 

@arafiq , sorry for the misunderstanding of your post as it was getting hot and heavy in the trenches. I missed your humor on that one.

All the best,
