Upgrade path from Paradigm Studio Reference V3

Looking for suggestions on speaker upgrade path. Primary listening preference is rock/pop. Enjoy moderate to high volume extended listening sessions.

VTL 2.5 Pre with Mazda Nos tubes

Bryston 4bsst2 Amp 300/ch.

2X Paradigm Studio Servo 15 subs

I don’t like forward sound due fatigue in extended listening at volume but I do appreciate a certain sparkle from the tweets. I deplore tweeters that sound blurred on cymbols hiss hiss hiss.

The speakers absolutely must have dynamic slam/impact. I want to feel it in my chest at higher volumes. Not too concerned with accuracy per se. 



I ask about the Cornwall IVs because I can get a great deal on them and they seem to line up with my desired attributes of dynamics and some treble sparkle. I have some concerns because my very first pair of real speakers were Cerwin Vegas. This was decades ago but I remember that upon moving to slim towers with traditional dome tweeters and seperate  subs I thought I was done with horns. Probably not fair because at the time I was using a Yamaha receiver with a switching power supply that was in hindsight...junk lol.

My other lesser concern is the fact I have a Bryston 4BSST2 amp at 300w ch which will at best be vastly underutilized with the Cornwalls.

Dude, ur doing the right thing, and I’m telling you you’ll be blown away — literally.  Remember the old Maxell ad from the 80s with the guy being blown back in his chair by his speakers?  Shoulda been an ATC speaker ad IMO because SO true and appropriate.  Just do it — you won’t believe the power, finesse, and dynamics those dome mids produce.  Unsurpassed or unmatched by any other driver or speaker in my experience.  Ok, PMC and Genelec may get you there too, but ATC is the real deal.  There’s a reason they’re used in some of the most storied and respected recording studios.  Just sayin’.

Great suggestions. I did some reading on the ATCs and they do seem to fit the bill. The ATC SCM40 are just inside my price range so I will contact music direct and see if we cant work something out.

“Sorry guys. They are studio 100 V3. I have been interested in the Tektons for a while, specifically Double Impact. Would love to hear about comparisons between my Paradigms and Tekton.”


I had Paradigm Studio 100 v2 and signature S4 v2 and v1. To my ear the Signatures were waaay better than the Studios so if you like your current speakers that’s a can’t lose. Also had Tekton DIs. The DIs were better than all. They sound bigger, rock harder and are just as detailed. Only issue was cabinet would start talking at extremely loud volumes but talking LOUD before it was an issue. Also the Tektons are a slightly more diffuse sound. Not bad just a little different. If you have a descent size room I would say Tekton all day if room is smaller or planning to sit too close I might look elsewhere. 

Years of hearing the unaffordable Avalon Acoustics Eidolons at shows and the dealer they didn't seem to have 'sparkle and slam' of my Studio 100 1's, 2's or the pair of S8's I was auditioning at home. During the S8 audition I purchased a pair of used Avalon Acoustics Eidolons at much less than half the Avalons retail price. It wasn't until that in home direct comparison between the v2's and the S8's that the Eidolons clearly laid bare the Paradigm's particular shortcomings which, to a lesser degree, I found noticeable during a short listen to the Persona series. 

I'm not suggesting Avalons, their must be a more cohesive design nearer the Paradigm's price point. When I party I pull out my Mackie SRM450's paired to two Velodyne 12" DD-Plus'. Maybe JBL 4349's with your Servo's? 

I had Studio 100 v3 in my system for a couple months and used to sell ATC speakers. Not even on the same planet in terms of what you’re looking for. I’ve not heard Tektons, but like I said I’ve never heard another speaker with the midrange power and distortion-free dynamics of the ATC dome midrange and highly doubt Tekton can either. Read reviews of ATC SCM40, and maybe talk to the guys at Music Direct about a possible demo. Sorry to be somewhat pushy here, but I’m pretty sure ATC will deliver what you’re looking for better than pretty much any other speaker, and your amp has the juice to make them rock. Again, just my $0.02 having sold ATC and reviewed/listened to lots of other speakers.

Sorry guys. They are studio 100 V3. I have been interested in the Tektons for a while, specifically Double Impact. Would love to hear about comparisons between my Paradigms and Tekton. 

when i had paradigm speakers i moved to usher speakers and found that made a nice upgrade.

The ATC SCM40 will do what you’re looking for in spades, but I’d recommend the latest version as they have a better tweeter that you’d likely appreciate.  That amazing dome midrange will hit you in the chest like no other driver I’m aware of and do it with absolutely no compression or distortion.  Best of luck. 

Legacy will give you att you want also the new founders series are a huge improvement


Dave and troy



You never really said which Studio’s you have, but the V3 is in the middle of their time frame. The Paradigm Signature S6 V3’s are excellent, and should have a familiar sound for you, but much improved. They were discontinued when the Persona line was launched a few years ago, so your only option will be used.

What is the budget? 

If you like The Paradigm sound check out Focal. Somewhat similar to my ear but better highs and mids. 

Tektons are really good at Rock as well IMO. 

I brought the studio ref v2 homeand found them lacking in 2 areas, slight lack of midrange resolution and the finish was paper thin otherwise for the asking price great speakers. The Dali oberon 9 would be the same price but might surprise you otherwise why not the founder line?