The compliance of the Phasemation PP1000 8. It's much lower than the van den hul.
The van den hul frog has a dynamic compliance of 14, static compliance of 28.
The phasemation is a much better match for your arm.
VdH cartridge on heavier tonearm
The Frog is very nice, but rather high conpliance cartridge.
Producer states static compliance at 35 micron/Nm that should transform to about 18 micron/Nm dynamic compliance at 10Hz.
Also producer states that Frog should wotk on tonearm up to 10g effective mass.
I have 12” tonearm with almost 21g effective mass.
Is there any chance that this will work together?
Anybody used Frog at heavier tonearm with succes?
@petg60 Had no idea that one should divide US compliance figures by 2. That’s VERY useful information. And it explains why the same wand works for a Grado and a Koetsu, which I had failed to understand. THANK YOU! |
The compliance of Phasemation is given at @100 Hz, so to ensure that is comparable with VdH dynamic compliance @10 Hz should be multipled by 2-2.2. In te frequency calculator we should use dynamic compliance value @10Hz. |