Velodyne DD15 - worth repairing the plate amp?

The amp in my 2008 Velodyne DD15 is dead as a door nail. 

How good is this old marvel compared to today's offerings?

Worth investing another $500 (to have amp repaired, incl roundtrip shipping, tax, etc)? Or just use as passive sub?

How does it compete to modern subs, for example SBS SB-2000 or SB-3000 (both under $1k pre owned)?


@gotolondon2 What did your dealer say about remedying this issue?

I did resell all my Velodyne subwoofers with the introduction of each new model which would explain, as you say, ’just because.’ On the other hand my current Plus 12’s and the 10 Plus are over 22 years old.

I believe JL Audio has honored its warranty commitments and is said to have improved its failure rate.


@jon_5912 Velodyne selling 10 inch, sealed subs that play flat to 20 hz is inherently problematic.

The Velodyne DD-10 Plus in my home studio has had its presets set between +1 - +5dB between 38Hz - 15Hz for the past 22 years. The majority of my recording of Bass and Drum tracks using uncompressed assorted plugins and instrumental octave effects constantly being played back at monitoring levels, I must have become a fan boy.

Which model Velodyne failed on you? Was it beyond its warrantee?

I had some really old Velodynes- one was an 18" bottom firing coffin with a separate control box, another circa the mid 90's - was a front facing 15". While both were servo woofers, neither had any DSP. I used them for home theatre back in the day, not for hi-fi. Both worked when I gave them away- I was moving and didn't see the need to move them.

Replacing the plate amp from a third party won't necessarily deal w/ the servo part. And shipping costs are a huge factor these days. I bought a bunch of Rythmiks, very cost effective, that I use in my main system and in my downsized "home theatre" (over which I could play music if I wanted). Both use DSP. Really helps integrate the subs to the room. 

@m-db Mine was a DD18 made in 2006.  I'm not complaining about the failure.  It went 17 years with no problems and I got it fixed for not that much money.  
whart Those Class D plate amps with 'electronic' (can't think of the term) power supplies (without the huge/heavy transformers and coolers) are very light and cheap to ship. My LT1300 plate amp is 40 lbs, this one is maybe 5 lbs.