Vinyl on the Radio

This past Wednesday Los Angeles station KSWD (100.3) played entire album sides, entirely on vinyl, the whole day!. You could actually hear the needle hit the grooves and of course a little snap, crackle,and pop. Entire album sides such as Abbey Road and Dark Side Of The Moon sounded terrific. We can only hope they repeat this soon.
Can you still hear the FM compression? I understand that can be eliminated by conscientious stations (who want to).
That is very cool!! For me the early to mid seventies FM radio is the reason I am still hooked on vinyl today. “FM no static at all”.
Hm...but arent most all radio stations using digital equipment in all but one or 2 in the larger cities?

I have a nice Sansui TU-9900 and I occasionally listen to my local stations... if they started to play vinyl, I doublt it would sound much different, as they are all using digital equipment anyways.