Von Schweikert VR-4SR or Revel Ultima Studio 1

Which should I get to replace my B&W N802. VSA VR-4SR v1, v2 or Revel Ultima Studio v1?
Thank you
Raysonic CD168 Tube CDP
Audio Horizons TP2.0 (upgraded to TP2.1) Tube Pre
Mark Levinson ML380 SS pre
Parasound Halo JC1 monos
Analysis Plus cables
Nice system, but I have no first hand experience with these components. You could call Von Schweikert and see what they recommend speaker wise. I know they use AP wiring inside the speakers, so your speaker cables are already on track! I run a Pass XP10 into Bel Canto Ref 1000 mk II. These speakers can take the power and are easy to drive without strain. Your amps should work great with them.
Based on your liking the VR4 JR I would say go for the SR. They will sound similar.

The revels are more on the detailed/neutral side of things
Von Schweikert VR-4SR will be my next speaker. "Euphonic", in a good way is how I would discribe them. They brought out the music in the music, is that anything like more "musical". My audio friend has a pair and I spend a lot of time at his place.
I have the VR-4SR's that you are considering with the AH Upgraded to 2.1 Preamp that you have plus NorthStar Transport and DAC and into Nuforce V3 SE Reference amps.
I auditioned Wilson Sophias, Dali's and many other speakers before purchase. I love my VR SR's! Because they are revealing, they do respond well to a tube somewhere in the system with digital. I have upgraded my pre, IC's, amp since getting the speakers but you would have to fight me for them. They just get better though each upgrade of other equipment. Heard them with a 20K Meridian 808.3 a few weeks ago in my system and they just sounded even better. Also they have been 100% reliable.