So, I guess the, "OP" is the recipient of my, "Good Deed" for the week.
I'll throw some nice cabling, "IMHO" in as well.
Uh oh, I didn't just legally adopt this fellow did I?
Those "Golden Ear, Triton's" mentioned above are a nice speaker.
Does anyone know if the "Post Office", still has those nifty,
(If it fit's? It Ships)"!! Flat-rate boxes just sitting there for free?
I am sure I can jam each of these in a couple of those.
And with a wrap of "Saran" maybe to keep the dust out before dropping them in?
None of that "wimpy" bubble wrap or foam-"peanut like", strata, for Me!
After all, they placed all of those dusty, oxidized and soft/puffy capacitor filled electronics inside that metal case to protect it all right?
And is that $50 worth of , "Postal Insurance" still free with any tracked parcel as well?
Did I say that gear was mint?
I meant, "It Smells", like mint. "Someone spilled something one X-mas I think.......
Anyway, "It smells" kinda like mint....and....something else......Hmmm.
Of course, after the dog had all those puppies on top of it.......
And, "Then the rains came".....
I'll throw some nice cabling, "IMHO" in as well.
Uh oh, I didn't just legally adopt this fellow did I?
Those "Golden Ear, Triton's" mentioned above are a nice speaker.
Does anyone know if the "Post Office", still has those nifty,
(If it fit's? It Ships)"!! Flat-rate boxes just sitting there for free?
I am sure I can jam each of these in a couple of those.
And with a wrap of "Saran" maybe to keep the dust out before dropping them in?
None of that "wimpy" bubble wrap or foam-"peanut like", strata, for Me!
After all, they placed all of those dusty, oxidized and soft/puffy capacitor filled electronics inside that metal case to protect it all right?
And is that $50 worth of , "Postal Insurance" still free with any tracked parcel as well?
Did I say that gear was mint?
I meant, "It Smells", like mint. "Someone spilled something one X-mas I think.......
Anyway, "It smells" kinda like mint....and....something else......Hmmm.
Of course, after the dog had all those puppies on top of it.......
And, "Then the rains came".....