A sensible discussion of buying from China, or other overseas source is a positive contribution. Experiences may differ. Choices will differ. First, I have found sellers in Japan and China to have a high ethical standard, though it’s been a while since I ordered from Japan. In all my experience of buying from abroad there has never been a customs bill. The Chinese are packaging experts; that has nver been a problem. IMO shipping time is no longer an issue. We’re not talking about buying a small part on ebay. Shipment of a DAC to the Eastern US coast has taken 6 or 7 days (about the same as from California) if the item is in stock. Other current threads here will verify that. I have found support from my Chinese maker/designer to be quick and brief, but to the point. As you suggest, though I’ve been dealing with him for about 5 years I’m not certain if it’s English or Google Translate. But does it really matter? About sending it back, you have a good point. Perhaps one should be a bit of a hobbyist for what will generally happen (unless a DOA which I have never heard of) is that you will be prompted to open the DAC and pull out a board that may be in need of testing and repair. It will be easy to do and to send. Being only a board it may be cheaper and faster to send than a whole domestic DAC across the country. If that sounds like a burden, then buy from a domestic dealer. As for updates, I have the experience of sending a board back, out of warranty, asking and offering to pay for an update to then current manufacturing standards. It was done for me at no charge, just shipping. Never a customs issue at all.
A negative sometimes is selling a used unit. With some exceptions, you won’t realize anything like the percentage recovery as on most Western DACs. But then, an expert/designer has written that a $3300 Chinese DAC has outperformed a $13,000 Mola Mola. So what’s the better deal? Of course, when you buy from a domestic "dealer" you pay a (100%?) mark-up. But it’s peace of mind.
I must add one more thing. The Chinese very often tell you and show you exactly what’s inside the DAC before you buy. With many, if not most, western DACs what’s inside is a mystery. Musetec is a great example--if you’ve never done it, have a look at their description. They do it because the DAC is packed with many of the very best, and expensive, components to be found world-wide. Or look at Gustard. For anyone who can make out what the component parts can mean to long-time enjoyment this is important information. [Who was it that said, "An intelligent consumer is our best customer."?] On the other hand what the inside looks like on some Western DACs may be an embarrassment. PS Audio, for example used to sell a $4000 DAC with a beautiful case that was 80% empty inside. I wish I could show you a picture here. It was hard to find. Interestingly they’ll tell you exactly what’s inside an amp or preamp, but not a DAC.