Both the Volti and Avantgarde Duo suggestions are interesting. They both deliver the dynamics and liveliness that is particularly attractive about horn-based systems. I like them a lot. But, like all systems, they have some limitations, and I find them both to have the same issue--the bass driver and the rest of the system do not blend seamlessly, and the bass does not seem to have the same nimbleness as the rest of the frequency range. Still, on balance, terrific systems.
As for JBL horn-based systems, I like the sound of the Everest systems and a couple models below the Everest that I heard (cannot remember the names/numbers). The sound is reasonably smooth and lacking in harshness while having the positive attributes of horn systems. The overall tonal balance was, for my taste, a bit thin in the upper-bass so the sound seemed to lack a little bit in weight.
My favorite horn systems are custom-made systems utilizing vintage drivers. There is nothing like the old vintage Western Electric drivers, except for some Western Electric inspired drivers and some direct clones of such drivers (e.g., G.I.P Laboratories from Japan). But, these exotics are many times the price range for just a pair of one type of driver.