What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?

I am typing up a document with all details of my system components and cables with approximate values.  No one else in the family knows anything about high end audio.  I suggested they sell the gear at US Audiomart.  What should I suggest they do with the vinyl and digital discs in my reasonably large collection?  I want them to get to others who can enjoy them when I no longer can. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Identify a college that has a major in voice or instruments.  They may also have an orchestra and other performance groups.  Speak to an administrator and share your ideas.  Something good will come of this!

Too all of the old men of this site, take comfort is the words of the great Bob Dylan, "I ain't dead yet, my bell still rings" 🤣

My audio guy has instructions to sell my system and my vinyl collection upon my death. I already have given away most of my CDs… they are nearly worthless, or will be soon. My 2,000 pristine albums… with hundreds of audiophile versions my dealer wants to sell as a set.


We are kindred spirits! I had a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe that I ran for almost 20 years until it died. I had considered upgrading it just prior, and ended up selling the chassis to SMc Audio and now regret it. Not long after, they came out with their Gravity Base upgrade (which gets rave reviews), and I wish I had kept the dead DNA to use for that. I can’t find an old one at a decent price.

I have the latest Vandersteen 2CE Sig III speakers, but have been considering moving up to the Treo CT, which is a special speaker (as you know) and great match with the DNA-1. I used to live in San Diego and got to know Steve McCormack a bit, and it was he who steered me to Vandersteens. He still uses the 3A Signature as one of his reference speakers, iirc.

You have a lovely system—it would be great if a loved one got it and appreciated it, but I hope you have the health and hearing to enjoy it for MANY more years!

I am actively seeking to find good bargain used CDs, which I rip to my server. I like owning the source material...great when the internet goes down or the grid gets knocked out from an EMP attack! I will power the system with a generator.

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