Where next from gamut d200i?


I am after some opinions on where to go next with my system, I am based in the UK and I am finding it increasingly difficult to demo products, hence I am reaching out to this community for some guidance on what to shortlist!

My system currently consists of an Aqua la scala mk2 cdt, in to a chord mscaler, into a chord Dave with a Sean Jacobs DC4 power supply. I have the Dave in preamp mode feeding a gamut d200i via xlr. I have audio physic Virgo iii speakers, they are the latest model and are only about 6 months old. My power is sorted with a dedicated audio fuse board, feeding an AQ niagara 5000. I am also running dual rel s3 subs. (My cabling is a mixture of black rhodium cantata and tellurium q silver diamond)
I am not sure where to go next, introduce a preamp? Upgrade the power amp, or jump to a high end integrated, maybe a Diablo 300?  I really enjoy a holographic sound stage and that’s what I am chasing, but I also want very fast and textured bass which is why I am nervous about a tube preamp. I guess I am wondering would a new amp be a significant upgrade over a d200i, it’s quite old but still seems to be well regarded.




Thanks Terry, the Holo May has had quite a lot of press recently, I’m glad you are enjoying it. From my experience I do find the gamut to perform better when using its balanced inputs. 

I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I had been using a Ayon CD5S tube CD player as a preamp and DAC (for which it was highly rated) to my Gamut D200i and Salk Soundscape 8 speakers. I had always felt I wasn't getting the best out the amp and speakers with that setup, so when the Ayon's Philips CD-Pro2 transport died I used it as an excuse to get a VAC Renaissance Mk V preamp. The VAC made a dramatic and immediate improvement even while I continued to use the Ayon as a DAC. Last year I added Holo May KTE which took the system to a whole new level. So at least in my experience, the Gamut does benefit from higher quality front end components. I should also note that I did try with several different interconnects after adding the Holo May and ultimately went from single ended to XLR, but the cables had a minor impact compared to adding a quality preamp and DAC.



Thanks all for your suggestions. I think I will stick with the gamut for the time being and explore the preamp avenue.  Did have a look at the dartzeel stuff, probably too big a jump financially for me at the moment, but definitely something to aspire to.

Using the preamp section of your DAC.  No.  Just...no.  Preamps are one of the most important components in any system, and I fully believe that’s where your limitation lies.  Given what you’re looking for, I’d search out the best used Audio Research pre — preferably with the SE designation — I could find and I think you’ll be in absolute audio heaven.  Best of luck. 

I agree with steakster that cables make a big difference, and you can start with a better power conditioner and power cords. 

I'm of the opinion that the only way to better the Gamut is to jump all the way to a CTH-8550 MKII.

Only if you REALLY have to scratch that itch.


Post removed 

Keep the Gamut amp! It is indeed excellent! Any other amp would be a sideways move at best! 

Thank you.

I do have an antipodes cx and ex streaming setup, with all the other paraphernalia, network switch Ethernet cables etc, but I prefer my cd transport, just personal taste, I know plenty people who swear by a sever/streaming 

any recommendations regarding a preamp? 

It's my opinion that a top flight preamp could improve the sound of your already excellent system.  I see that you are using CDs as your source, so have you considered a streaming device.  You could go with either a stand alone unit or one built in to a preamp or integrated.  As an alternative you could keep everything as is and buy 500-1,000 new CDs.  That's a few years of serious listening.  Good luck!

Just to add, my local dealer is excellent, but they have become a little more limited in the brands they offer. I have home demoed the latest chord ultima power amp, technically very good, fast and articulate, but just not for me, flatter soundstage in my setup and a little too analytical for my tastes. 

Thanks, sounds like a good idea, I do have an opportunity to buy a used prima Luna evo400 preamp at a reasonable price, like you suggest could buy and sell on if I don’t like. 

I would keep the Gamut amp.

While it can be difficult to demo, working with a local dealer can be helpful, and some provide demo units you can hear in your home.

Another way to try some tube preamps is buy and try. I have bought two or three used items, done a comparison, kept the one I preferred, and sold the others. It is more capital intensive, but if you buy at a good price point the cost is minimal