Where s the bass?

My system - Sony CD player, Pass Labs X0 preamp & X600 amps, Thiel 7.2 and Transparent Reference cables. I believe the sound is open, transparent, and dynamics. However I just wish I could put an emphasis on the bottom end. Tone controls are not available on high quality Class A preamps, such as the X0. While I understand that adding one more component in the signal paths is not desirable as it will further degrade the sound, I would like to hear your opinions on the best way to boost the bottom end. Thank you.
The pass stuff has great bass and slam, the one weak link i,d say is the sony.
While my $500 Sony is far from Class A - I know it can put out great bass. The bass was there with the BAT VK-60 tube amp, which is one-tenth the power of the Pass X600. I'm not saying the bass is gone with the Pass - I just felt that the bass was de-emphasis somehow with more energy at the midrange and up with the Pass. Maybe it's a good thing and I just need to get used to it. I wonder what you would do to boost the bottom end OR roll-off the high end slightly. Perhaps I should leave it alone.
I have had bass problems with the Transparent/Thiel como as well. While there seems to be no problem with the interconnects, there is definetly an interaction with the speaker cables! I own the Thiel CS6 speakers and now use MIT cables.
If you like the general sound and would like to add bass, try a good power cord on the player. I added two BMI Whale PC's to my system and one of the many benefits was added low frequecncy response (information that I never heard with the other after market cords that I have tried). I use them on the DAC and player and have not tried them on the amp yet.
Currently I'm running a pair of Aleph 2 mono blocks, and I have heard and audition the Pass X350. And I can defintately relate to the feeling that there maybe some lacking in the bass with Pass Equipment when I first aquired it, but after listening to my whole CD collection, switching in and out components such as a friends Krell Amp. I found it was not the Pass that lacked anything, more so it was other equipment making up for there deficiency by adding(for no a no better way of putting it) bass or bass slam as my Krell owner friend says. Now I'm not picking on Krell I do like there stuff but it was the only class A amp I switched out and listened too. But I feel my friend prefers the bass to the Detail and soundstage that a Pass amp brings. That's why there is more then I amp maker.

Now as far as cables, I had AQ, then I went to Tara, but found a medium with XLO switching to them gave me a fast low end. That seemed to work well with the Pass( I think XLO is know for a bit of coloration on the bottom and it worked for me).

So to wrap my experience up, and listening to my CD collection a million times switching stuff around. The Pass Equipment did everything right(or the most thing right), it put the bass where it supposed to be and not were it wasn't and that took alittle getting used to.