Where to buy a Roksan Kandy Integrated in the US?


Am new to the forum, and just learning about the world of the audiophile. I am interested in purchasing a Roksan Kandy amp, but don't want to spend more than $1000. Obviously, this makes a second hand amp the most reasonable choice. I have been checking this forum's classifieds and e-Bay for the last few days but have not seen anything yet.

Question: How would you recommend I go about finding this amp?

I live in the Washington DC area, and haven't had any luck with local dealers, yet...

Would like to pair it with B&W probably the 6-series bookshelf (685, I think), and either a Roksan CD player or a Rega player.

Question: Does this sound like a good set up? Are there other comparable combinations that you might recommend?

I listen to a massive range of music: classical, jazz, big band, rock, down-tempo electronic.

Thanks everyone! Great Forum!
In case you don't have it yet, here's a contact for Roksan.
They're a UK company, but surely they have US distribuition.
This contact was from a review done in 2001, but may still work.
One thing to consider if you're buying new, or trying to, warranty relief is a consideration...so if finding the company is difficult, how tough may it be to secure repairs later on, either in or out of warranty.

Good luck.
Some other nice amps you may want to consider are the Naim 5i, LFD, NAD 372 and the Exposure 2010. NAD is the best value, and you get a wonderful phono stage to boot.
I had a Kandy MK3CD player. I found it to be a bit hard and edgy. Good for some good ole hard rock and roll I guess. Although I really liked the live presence it presented especially in studio recording and especially indy labels where the band has more say of what they want the recording to sound like. I have a Classe ( CA series )amp these days and it is as smooth as you know what. But if thats what you want post a wanted ad, there was a dealer tryin to unload some Roksan demo gear for a long time and he may still have it. And I think he posted recently also, I can't remember who it was though. Spearit Sound has alot of discounted Cambridge Audio stuff http://www.spearitsound.com/specials.htm
The Roksan recently got a good review in HIFICRITIC. If you don't find one the Musical Fidelity amps are also good.
Here's a list of the integrated amps I have tried over the past ferw years:
Roksan Kandy III (AB), Audio Refinement Complete (AB), Portal Panache (AB), PS Audio Trio C-100 (ICE), Classe CAP-151 (AB), NAD C-352 (AB), Bel Canto S-300 (ICE), Linn LK-85 (?) and Bel Canto eVo2i (tri-path).
The Linn was not an integrated but was in there.
The Bel canto eVo2i has been in my system for well over a year now. There may be better integrated amps out there but I feel I'd need to spend significantly more $$ than I'm willing to better it.
The only amp on the list that I paid more than 1K for was the Classe. I honestly preferred the cheap NAD to it.
There are plenty of reviews of the Bel Canto amp on the web, 6Moons, Soundstage and others.
Click here for a thread that may interest you.
Good luck with your search.
"01-02-09: Timrhu
I owned the Kandy Mk III integrated a few years ago. It is a decent amp for the money. I believe I sold mine for around $550. Keep your eyes on the classifieds or you could place a want to buy ad.
Curious what made you decide on this model?"

Honestly- I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but from everything I have read, seems to be a good starting point. Have researched NAIM, NAD, Cambridge Audio, and am trying to get read up on tubes too.

Any recommendations for alternatives for a sub-$1000 amp, used or new?
I owned the Kandy Mk III integrated a few years ago. It is a decent amp for the money. I believe I sold mine for around $550. Keep your eyes on the classifieds or you could place a want to buy ad.
Curious what made you decide on this model?