Moonrat if you have the 9000es with volume control,
and the tube,this player is hard to beat especially
on the sacd,I think very few knows or heard,what a mod
9000es can do.I sometimes wonder,and think buying
onother SCD1 to send it to Dan again,to use it on
on my reference system, and the sony to my other
system.Even the consonance owner was speechless, when
He listen to my system,was totally impress.IMO,IMS
and the tube,this player is hard to beat especially
on the sacd,I think very few knows or heard,what a mod
9000es can do.I sometimes wonder,and think buying
onother SCD1 to send it to Dan again,to use it on
on my reference system, and the sony to my other
system.Even the consonance owner was speechless, when
He listen to my system,was totally impress.IMO,IMS