Did you do any a/b comparisons between a cheap cable like the Monoprice and the DH Labs?
I did this for giggles the other night and could not tell much, if any, difference. The same happened when I did A/B with the DH Labs vs. Revelation Audio Labs cable.
I currently have some rather laid back speakers in my system, so it could be that it's a matter of the system not being revealing enough at the moment to clearly delineate the differences, that my ears weren't up to the task, or that when I first bought the Revelation Audio Labs cable, confirmation bias kicked in. What fun hobby!
If there's anything you might be able to takeaway, it's that your system needs to be pretty revealing for differences like that to be noticeable. With my KEF Reference 1 speakers in the system, the difference between the DH Labs and Revelation Audio Labs cables was clearly noticeable, and I did the comparison on more than one occasion.