Which iPod?

After taking a skeptical back seat on compressed mobile music all this long, I finally think it is time to take the plunge. Have decided on Shure E4C for earbuds and now wondering which iPod to go with.

Done some research on the net and came across various versions such as the mini, nano, photo etc. Now, I'm not too crazy about watching videos or photos on a 2 inch screen. My primay need is AUDIO and need to find the one that sounds best with Apple Lossless Compression. I will go for the video/photo version if they have better sonics.

Any advise or exprience sharing is highly appreciated.

The Nano is the coolest piece of hardware I've ever touched.

But, lots of complaints about scratches on the Nano's screen, and 4gb just insn't enough space for high quality music. It's ok for low bitrate stuff, but if you use better phones you'll definitely hear quality loss.

Nano for short listening sessions (the gym?) 60 GB (or more) for work. The new video ipod is a nice blend between the two.

Isn't it great to have options!

Good luck

Have you had a chance to compare the audio quality between the 60GB Video iPod with the 20GB audio only version? While I have nothing inherantly against a device that features a color display and video capabilities, I'm wondering if the prominence given to video would cut back the audio performance. Not to mention the associated video noise. My primary need is audio.

I use a 3rd gen(i think) 15 gig with the shure headphones. Sounded great, until I hooked it up to a Headroom Total Airhead portable amp. It's a HUGE improvement over the iPod alone. Now I can't stand to listen to the iPod without the amp.
Why get an iPod? Don't you want WMA capability? Other brands make mp3 players. And if you get an iPod you'll only be trendy until they come out with the next version in a few months.

With Apple everything is proprietary including the music.