Why DACs have no BNC Digital In

I've heard from several different sources that 75 ohm BNC digital connection is superior to a regular coaxial (to connect transport to a DAC), but looking at the back panel of most DAC's, I don't see any. Any explanation as to why that is? Thank you
The better dacs do. That Toslink garbage along with USB spreads like a weed.
I'm using the AES/EBU digital input port on my Bel Canto DAC, and thought this was a more common practice than you're suggesting. I 've also seen discussions that there may be more issues with S/PDIF. But for shorter cable lengths, I suspect that any differences may be relatively small.
@op, The reason why BNC is superior depends on the connector impedance...its hard to make a 75ohm rca cable.

A good read.

Hopefully dac manufacturers use it on the future?
Chicken and egg story all over again. Which came first? In this case it was CD players and transports. If very few have BNC outputs then DAC builders don't see any need to include a BNC input.

I am not arguing which interfaces are better just that there are so many digital interfaces those that were not common became even less common.

Interface connectors I can think of: RCA, AES/EBU (XLR-style connectors, USB, Toslink, Glass fiber but not Toslink (ATT?), i2S, BNC.