I think you nailed it:
"I think it’s because many of these (mostly) guys have a lot of money/time/effort invested in the hobby, and it has become a significant part of their self-identity. Different ideas threaten that investment and identity, so they lash-out in defense (fear) or offense (pride). We (myself included) should all remember to, "Fear nothing and respect everything.", as it would likely result in an online environment reading less like tabloid drama, and more like helpful support."
I think you nailed it:
"I think it’s because many of these (mostly) guys have a lot of money/time/effort invested in the hobby, and it has become a significant part of their self-identity. Different ideas threaten that investment and identity, so they lash-out in defense (fear) or offense (pride). We (myself included) should all remember to, "Fear nothing and respect everything.", as it would likely result in an online environment reading less like tabloid drama, and more like helpful support."