I posted my acoustic room images, which was a homemade mess, only in the beginning state , not with the one hundred resonators, to motivate experimentation for those who can use a dedicated room...I mostly attracted sarcasms... My thin is thick but my temper is not ... i answered 😁
Now no problem with anyone, i borrowed images of my three components , anyway i dont have an acoustic room, one top headphone can do the job happily and surprizingly for me ......And i dont judge people on appearance... I dont mind photo of their room , anyway what interest me in a room is his acoustic content not the price tag and luminous dials of shiny components... 😊
And malher 123 perhaps you sense a slight lost in hearing with age as we will perceive most of us one day with ourself but you had kept your musical understanding at a very high level , and thats all that matter to us...Imagine the reverse ? 😁😉😊
«My hearing is perfect, i hear my wife snoring even when she dont snore»---Groucho Marx 🤓
Just added one in virtual systems. My room is a mess and I’m not sure that I got the speakers in there so I will redo it after I clean it.
So the next thing I think we should be required to add is our Audiograms and/or hearing aid equipment. My ability to hear speech has really deteriorated, especially in loud restaurants. I still think I can hear music unimpeded, but I know that I am fooling myself. I can definitely hear my wife snoring