Wilson Watt Puppy 7

I am looking for a pair of used monoblocks for 2 channel listening. I have a large open listening area. My budget is 5k give or take. I listen to classical guitar, female vocal, blues at moderate volumes. I’m looking for a warm sound. Have used solid state previously but have a tube headphone amp and like the sound. Any suggestions?
Have you seen the Luxman m700 on Agon via Perotta Consulting??
200 Watts/Channel, but not a mono.
I use Cary 805Cs with my wilson watt puppy 7s. My listening chair is 7 feet from the speakers and I listen at 70 to 80 db volumes(Rock and folk music). I have no problem with the Carys low power and the combination can also fill the house with wonderful music. Back in the day before making the purchase I talked to Peter Mcgrath at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. He recommended the combination and stated that Wilson had previously used the combination at a prior audio show.

My recommendation for the Wilsons would be a high quality tube amp.
PS I just heard Wilsons driven by Luxman integrated, Outstanding. That's why I am recommending it.

When I listened to WP 7s at dealers, they were usually using Audio Research VT200 Mk II or III to drive them,  Very good sound, though not really your classic tube sound.  

Agree with georgehifi, I liked the WP7s best of all of the versions.
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