Wilson Watt Puppy 7

I am looking for a pair of used monoblocks for 2 channel listening. I have a large open listening area. My budget is 5k give or take. I listen to classical guitar, female vocal, blues at moderate volumes. I’m looking for a warm sound. Have used solid state previously but have a tube headphone amp and like the sound. Any suggestions?
Get a pair of McCormack amps and have them upgraded. SMc Audio can just about anything. And, you could do a lot with $5K.
Solid state options:
PS Audio M300  
Dual bridged mono James Romeyn assembled NC400  
Pass Labs XA25  
Mytek Brooklyn Amp  
Arcam FMJ P49 (used on Amazon for $1000 less) 

Have you seen the Luxman m700 on Agon via Perotta Consulting??
200 Watts/Channel, but not a mono.
I use Cary 805Cs with my wilson watt puppy 7s. My listening chair is 7 feet from the speakers and I listen at 70 to 80 db volumes(Rock and folk music). I have no problem with the Carys low power and the combination can also fill the house with wonderful music. Back in the day before making the purchase I talked to Peter Mcgrath at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. He recommended the combination and stated that Wilson had previously used the combination at a prior audio show.

My recommendation for the Wilsons would be a high quality tube amp.
PS I just heard Wilsons driven by Luxman integrated, Outstanding. That's why I am recommending it.